Hey there friend!! You may notice that I am meeting with you a day early this week. That's because Keevin and I plan to travel tomorrow morning to Hendersonville, NC to my Mom and Dad's second home (that's a blessing from God that I will have to tell you about, later). Our children and grandchildren will travel from Murfreesboro,TN to meet with us and my sister and family. An extra week of Christmas is great!
But the inevitable will happen. We will have to get used to saying 2012 instead of 2011. Yes, my friend, changes whether we like it or not. It signals a change of the time and date. Along with that particular signal comes encouragement from merchants and retailers to propel you into other changes--for the better of course. You know what those changes are--to get in shape, lose weight, organize your office, etc, etc. I'm not going to encourage you in those areas because, Lord knows, you are well informed by commercials and advertisements. But those areas of change will benefit you greatly. Through some recent reading I realized that feelings don't change overnight but a change in behavior leads your feelings in the same direction of the behavior. Just think about it and then act on it. OOPPss. I guess I ended up encouraging you in those areas.
What I want to concentrate on is a whole new life. Take a look. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (GWT): "Whoever is a believer is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence." We all like reading these words and imagining a new way of living but actually changing the mess we are in is difficult. I asked Keevin the other day if he thought the reason people are unable to change is because of their anger with God? I am convinced that lots of folks don't realize they are angry with God because they are afraid to admit to it. Afraid of God. But God won't disown you if you tell Him that you are angry with Him. Follow me down a couple of verses from where we started. Verse 20 (NCV): "So we have been sent to speak for Christ. It is as if God is calling to you through us. We speak for Christ when we beg you to be at peace with God." Some versions read it as being reconciled with God. So friend, He already knows that you are upset with Him. You probably blame Him for some of the bad things that have happened to you, perhaps in your childhood. However, I urge you to go back to the beginning. Genesis starts out with God creating everything from nothing. He placed Adam and Eve in the beautiful, lush Garden of Eden. Life was enjoyable and satisfying. And then in chapter 3 of Genesis the serpent comes along and entices the two of them to eat the fruit that God told them not to eat. The mess we are in is our fault--not God's. Yes, you may have been violated at a vulnerable time in your life but God can heal you of those rotten memories--please give Him a chance.
Now, let's back up to verse 19 of 2 Corinthians 5. (GWT): "In other words, God was using Christ to restore His relationship with humanity. He didn't hold people's faults against them, and He has given us this message of restored relationships to tell others." God know that we messed up and continue to mess up but He doesn't give up on us--we give up on Him and even blame Him. He went to extremes to make things right even though none of our mess was His fault.
Friend, allow His Word to change your life to a new one. 1 Peter 1:23 (MSG): "Your new life is not like your old life. Your old birth came from mortal sperm. Your new birth comes from God's living Word." I highly encourage you to start a relationship with Him--talk to Him and listen to Him by way of His word. Then do what He says to do--He knows how for you to have a good life. And from the deep appreciation you will feel from the new life you will have--you will tell others--those who are hurting and living a dark life--how they, too, can have an amazing new life--through Christ.
The definition of anger (which you may be feeling toward God) is a feeling of displeasure and hostility that a person has because of being injured, mistreated, opposed, etc. Did you notice the word hostility? The definition for angry is feeling or showing anger, wild and stormy. Friend, your angry feelings are misplaced. Satan is the one who caused corruptness in the human race way back in the beginning. Please admit to God that you are angry with Him and that you are deeply sorry for the feelings. Ask Him to heal you and comfort you.
21 Day Journal Note # 25 is about control in difficult situations with others. You could also change the wording around to fit your situation--your anger toward God.
21 Day Journal Note # 25
Who's in Control?
Philippians 4:6-7 (MSG): Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitons and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholelness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.
I get so stressed out when I am dealing with a difficult person. I feel loss of respect. I spiral out of control trying to gain control of my situation. I am to look at myself as the problem and not the other person. There will always be those "other persons" in my life and I will never be able to control them. However, I have control over me with Your help. Lord, I give You these difficutl times and trust You to keep me grounded.
end of journal note. If this one speaks to your life difficutlies then handwrite it once a day x 21 days. God's word is awesome by rewiring your brain and thinking system. Try it my friend, as I suspect your way of doing life has not yielded satisfying results. Try on this new behavior.
Instead of telling you to "get a life" I encourage you to "get a new life!"
Sending Jesus' love to all, Wynndy
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Lights in the Sky
The day before Christmas Eve. It seems that the magical time of the year is upon us. Magical. Why does it feel magical? Because Santa Claus is coming to town!! Santa brings us gifts that we have been wishing for and dreaming of all year long. The anticipation of the gift-receiving time builds up the excitement of the great moment. This time of year is also viewed as romantic. A girl hopes to receive a well-meaning gift that proves a young man loves her. Dreams fulfilled. Happiness happening all around. It just doesn't get any better, does it? Or does it?
Tomorrow night Keevin and I will attend a Christmas Eve service at one of the local Baptist churches. For most of our married life we have attended Christmas Eve services and it has become a tradition regardless of where we are. It feels really good, however, when we attend with fellow church members as a family of God. It is the ultimate feeling of unity with a body of folks who all love our Lord Jesus Christ. I read a devotion this morning about not worshipping Baby Jesus. What I want to point out is that I recognize the fact that Jesus had to leave His wonderful life in Heaven, separate Himself from His Father, become a helpless little baby, and start a life as a real human being who had to manage the emotions we do and experience temptations like we do. Thank You Jesus that Your story doesn't end in the manger!! But I recognize my Lord that you did sacrifice alot for us!!
After Keevin and I leave the Christmas Eve service we will head to Blowing Rock, NC which is just 5 miles down the road from Boone. We will drive through town and enjoy the lights that have been so wonderfully displayed. I love the lights. They are bright, festive and give us a great feeling of aliveness. God intends for us to celebrate all aspects of His great plan. We may look up in the sky searching for Rudolph's red nose but our hearts are fixed on Jesus!! It's funny how some folks can't stand the celebration of our season, no matter how you label it (Santa Claus. Jingle Bells, Elfs, etc) because it directs ones attention back to the original reason for happiness. That reason is Jesus, our Lord and Savior
There have always been someone trying to sabotage Jesus Christ's Lordship. In Heaven Satan's pride swelled really big causing him to misjudge his own power and status. Hmmm, do we do that? Well, it got Satan in a lot of trouble. He was thrown out of heaven. Imagine the scene in the sky when it happened. Luke 10:18 (NCV): "Jesus said, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.'" Wow!! I bet his big pride was bruised. Satan is still hot and heavy with his mission to overthrow God's plan. But don't fear because Jesus completed His mission from Baby to Savior on the cross to being raised from the dead and living again as our Lord and Master.
Consider another light. 1 John 1:7 (NLT): "But if we are living in the light of God's presence, just as Christ is, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from every sin." The last part of that verse is very important. Satan wouldn't own up to his sin and pride but you and I can. We can unquestioningly believe that Jesus is who He says He is and did what He did do. Next, own up to your sins. God will help you to deal with them one at a time. Being cleansed from our mess-ups gives us freedom from the guilt we have been carrying around. Being cleansed releases us from the control the sin has on us. Can you feel the peace as you give it up to Christ? You start to glow (light?) for God. Enjoying the company of other believers is a great way to show big thanks and honor to Holy Dad.
And our light leads to other things. 2 Corinthians 4:6 (MSG): "It started when God said, 'Light up the darkness!' and our lives filled up with light as we saw and understood God in the face of Christ, all bright and beautiful." We start shining for Jesus to the ones who live in darkness. Satan spreads darkness. He wants everyone void of God and His goodness. Some folks void of God think they are just fine, but remember what happened to Satan up in Heaven--lightning, but not a good kind.
And our precious God didn't leave us without instructions and helps. Psalm 119:105 (GNT): "Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path." Friend, the Bible may seem boring or hard to understand but take the time to ask Holy Dad questions about the word you are reading. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you through His word. Ask Him to reveal any areas in your life that you may need to deal with and improve. It may seem scary at first but the freedom from guilt and sin-control is worth the peace that you will have--so just do it!!
Now, I know you have experienced being "lighted on" by anger. I call it a verbal explosion. It is very stress inducing and causes all sorts of wrong thinking to happen inside of you. Check out 21 Day Journal Note # 24.
21 Day Journal Note # 24
Verbal Explosion!!
Ephesians 4:31-32 (NLT) Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
BOOM!!! I am being attacked verbally by an angry person who is standing in front of me. My usual response is to freeze my thinking system and run away. My past experience has been that the one projecting their anger on me was placing the blame on me, rejecting me and not accepting my explanation. I misinterpreted their behavior as a sign that I was worthless. Lord, You have taught me that You live inside of me. I am infused with Your words, thoughts, wisdom as well as Your forgiveness and compassion. I recognize that the person standing in front of me is full of problems and misery. His/her harsh words stem from a distorted thinking system. I am pausing and seeking You. You are helping me to remain calm and rational and I am speaking words of wisdom to this wounded person. Thank You Lord for indwelling me.
end of journal note. Friend, this will help you when you find yourself in that very situation. You'll be amazed at how this note and God's words will rise up and give you a solid footing to say what you need to say to the individual in front of you. The spew of harshness and the power that is meant to cripple you will be deflated and left powerless. Handwrite this note once a day for 21 days to rewire your brain. You'll be glad you did when the next verbal explosion happens--and it will.
My friend, ask Holy Dad to help you get through a family get-together, especially if you are fearful of a verbal explosion. These tend to happen during chaotic, stressful times. Holy Dad wants to help you. He doesn't want you to remember this time of year as "bad family times."
Make plans, everyone, to enjoy the lights tomorrow night. And don't forget the star that the 3 wise men and the shepards saw when they searched out for Baby Jesus!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Tomorrow night Keevin and I will attend a Christmas Eve service at one of the local Baptist churches. For most of our married life we have attended Christmas Eve services and it has become a tradition regardless of where we are. It feels really good, however, when we attend with fellow church members as a family of God. It is the ultimate feeling of unity with a body of folks who all love our Lord Jesus Christ. I read a devotion this morning about not worshipping Baby Jesus. What I want to point out is that I recognize the fact that Jesus had to leave His wonderful life in Heaven, separate Himself from His Father, become a helpless little baby, and start a life as a real human being who had to manage the emotions we do and experience temptations like we do. Thank You Jesus that Your story doesn't end in the manger!! But I recognize my Lord that you did sacrifice alot for us!!
After Keevin and I leave the Christmas Eve service we will head to Blowing Rock, NC which is just 5 miles down the road from Boone. We will drive through town and enjoy the lights that have been so wonderfully displayed. I love the lights. They are bright, festive and give us a great feeling of aliveness. God intends for us to celebrate all aspects of His great plan. We may look up in the sky searching for Rudolph's red nose but our hearts are fixed on Jesus!! It's funny how some folks can't stand the celebration of our season, no matter how you label it (Santa Claus. Jingle Bells, Elfs, etc) because it directs ones attention back to the original reason for happiness. That reason is Jesus, our Lord and Savior
There have always been someone trying to sabotage Jesus Christ's Lordship. In Heaven Satan's pride swelled really big causing him to misjudge his own power and status. Hmmm, do we do that? Well, it got Satan in a lot of trouble. He was thrown out of heaven. Imagine the scene in the sky when it happened. Luke 10:18 (NCV): "Jesus said, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.'" Wow!! I bet his big pride was bruised. Satan is still hot and heavy with his mission to overthrow God's plan. But don't fear because Jesus completed His mission from Baby to Savior on the cross to being raised from the dead and living again as our Lord and Master.
Consider another light. 1 John 1:7 (NLT): "But if we are living in the light of God's presence, just as Christ is, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from every sin." The last part of that verse is very important. Satan wouldn't own up to his sin and pride but you and I can. We can unquestioningly believe that Jesus is who He says He is and did what He did do. Next, own up to your sins. God will help you to deal with them one at a time. Being cleansed from our mess-ups gives us freedom from the guilt we have been carrying around. Being cleansed releases us from the control the sin has on us. Can you feel the peace as you give it up to Christ? You start to glow (light?) for God. Enjoying the company of other believers is a great way to show big thanks and honor to Holy Dad.
And our light leads to other things. 2 Corinthians 4:6 (MSG): "It started when God said, 'Light up the darkness!' and our lives filled up with light as we saw and understood God in the face of Christ, all bright and beautiful." We start shining for Jesus to the ones who live in darkness. Satan spreads darkness. He wants everyone void of God and His goodness. Some folks void of God think they are just fine, but remember what happened to Satan up in Heaven--lightning, but not a good kind.
And our precious God didn't leave us without instructions and helps. Psalm 119:105 (GNT): "Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path." Friend, the Bible may seem boring or hard to understand but take the time to ask Holy Dad questions about the word you are reading. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you through His word. Ask Him to reveal any areas in your life that you may need to deal with and improve. It may seem scary at first but the freedom from guilt and sin-control is worth the peace that you will have--so just do it!!
Now, I know you have experienced being "lighted on" by anger. I call it a verbal explosion. It is very stress inducing and causes all sorts of wrong thinking to happen inside of you. Check out 21 Day Journal Note # 24.
21 Day Journal Note # 24
Verbal Explosion!!
Ephesians 4:31-32 (NLT) Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
BOOM!!! I am being attacked verbally by an angry person who is standing in front of me. My usual response is to freeze my thinking system and run away. My past experience has been that the one projecting their anger on me was placing the blame on me, rejecting me and not accepting my explanation. I misinterpreted their behavior as a sign that I was worthless. Lord, You have taught me that You live inside of me. I am infused with Your words, thoughts, wisdom as well as Your forgiveness and compassion. I recognize that the person standing in front of me is full of problems and misery. His/her harsh words stem from a distorted thinking system. I am pausing and seeking You. You are helping me to remain calm and rational and I am speaking words of wisdom to this wounded person. Thank You Lord for indwelling me.
end of journal note. Friend, this will help you when you find yourself in that very situation. You'll be amazed at how this note and God's words will rise up and give you a solid footing to say what you need to say to the individual in front of you. The spew of harshness and the power that is meant to cripple you will be deflated and left powerless. Handwrite this note once a day for 21 days to rewire your brain. You'll be glad you did when the next verbal explosion happens--and it will.
My friend, ask Holy Dad to help you get through a family get-together, especially if you are fearful of a verbal explosion. These tend to happen during chaotic, stressful times. Holy Dad wants to help you. He doesn't want you to remember this time of year as "bad family times."
Make plans, everyone, to enjoy the lights tomorrow night. And don't forget the star that the 3 wise men and the shepards saw when they searched out for Baby Jesus!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Friday, December 16, 2011
Unplanned Events
Some of my facebook friends (ok, they're my cousins) are complaining about the not-so-Christmasy weather they are having in Jacksonville, NC. One of my other cousins poked at the first one by saying he didn't want snow because of his surfing habit--but he thought twice about it and decided it might be cool to surf in the snow. But I told them that it's not cold up here in Boone, NC either. I thought if anyone would have a chance at a white Christmas that it would be me--but nooooo. Of course the Good Lord could surprise me yet. With it being 50 degrees at the moment I don't think the rain that is coming down will turn into snow.
And moving away from the weather talk, Christmas Eve is just one week and a day away. It has come upon us quickly, or so it seems. There has to be alot of cooking and cleaning and wrapping like crazy going on out there. A lot of activity for this coming up week. I am wishing all of you a safe and very happy Christmas. Really try to enjoy it and don't get too stressed with all the decisions to be made.
Speaking of holiday stress, have you ever experienced an awkward moment at those Christmas gatherings? Well Joseph was faced with a difficult and heart-breaking moment. He was engaged to marry Mary but he found out that she was pregnant. No way was the baby his because they were true to their vows of being celibate untill the wedding night. As awkward and heart-breaking the news was, he chose to deal with it in a quiet way. He was going to divorce her (yes, an engagement in that time was a very committed relationship so much so that a divorce was in order) but do it privately and not expose the disgrace of her pregnancy. While he was thinking up a plan an angel appeared to him in a dream (Matthew 1: 20) and explained to him that Mary was pregnant by the Holy Spirit and not to be afraid of marrying her. Can you imagine waking up from that dream! Would you believe a dream like that? Listen on and see what he did next. The angel in the dream told him something that sounded familiar. In last night's dream he heard the angel say: (Matthew 1:23, MSG) "Watch for this--a virgin will get pregnant and bear a son; They will name Him Emmanuel (Hebrew for 'God is with us')." And the angel said this would happen to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet. So Joseph knew that this story had been passed down for ages but never in a million years did he expect to be linked to it. Where was it in the scriptures that foretold of this event? Isaiah 7:14 (GWT): "So the Lord Himself will give you this sign: A virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a Son, and she will name Him Immanuel [God is with us]." Wow!! This is really happening! Why is this Baby so special? Skimming down a couple of chapters Joseph finds the answer. Isaiah 9:6 (NIV): "For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Repeat these titles once again but very slowly. Let them sink into your psyche. Now I want to back up, way back, all the way to the beginning. Let's review why Jesus is being born to a virgin. In Genesis we witness Adam and Eve doing bad. They chose to eat a piece of fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God had placed them in the most idylic place ever with not a care in the world. But He gave them one condition for living there--do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Along comes a beautiful snake and this snake talks. There have been other stories in the Bible of animals talking so please don't freak out about this part. The beautiful snake used very convincing words to persuade them to eat the fruit that they were not suppose to eat. That one itty bitty little mistake change their whole world forever. They immediately felt fear which they had never felt before. They felt guilt and shame over their newly discovered nakedness. You see they were sinless and innocent before this event and that is why their nakedness didn't bother them. They felt the need to hide from God and ran among the trees when they heard Him walking around in the garden. Unfortunately, they were about to be thrown out of the lovely, lush garden. God then promised to the woman pain and difficulty with pregnancy and delivery. And to the man, gardening would no longer be as much pleasure as it once was. Now he would have to contend with weeds and thorns and adverse weather conditions. This would make it harder for him to grow the family some food. God cursed the ground and the snake. All of the planet was affected by the itty-bitty mistake. But with God handing out all the bad news He also had good news. Genesis 3:15 (NCV): "I will make you and the woman enemies to each other. Your descendants and her descendants will be enemies. One of her descendants will crush your head, and you will bit His heel." God said this to the snake. Don't forget that the snake is Satan. Satan approaches us in many different forms and ways--keep this in mind as we discuss this some more. Eve's descendant that God was referring to is none other than Jesus. Even when we broke God's heart He gave us a way out from all of our mess.
Fast forward to Joseph. Matthew 1:24 (MSG): "Then Joseph woke up. He did exactly what God's angel commanded in the dream. He married Mary. But he did not consummate the marriage until she had the baby. He named the baby Jesus."
And fast forward to today. Friend, what kind of mess-ups are putting you in an awkward situation for this Christmas? Could it be from a past traumatic event that keeps living large in you? Is it something new that you have experimented with and discovered that it caused more problems than enjoyment? How about the family member that everyone whispers about and shuns? Unforgivness? Regrets? Then you will want to apply 21 Day Journal Note # 23.
21 Day Journal Note # 23
Haunted by the Ghost of Childhood Past
Proverbs 25:8 (MSG) Don't jump to conclusions--there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw.
1 John 4:18 (MSG) There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life--fear of death, fear of judgment--is one not yet fully formed in love.
Childhood uncertainties. Things we can't explain. guilty dispositions placed on small ones by bigger ones just so they can feel release from their pressures. Whether divorce, suicide, rape, abandonment--a child cannot be the one who shoulders the blame. 1 John 4:19 (NIV): "We love because He first loved us." I am loved with a perfect love by the highest being. I no longer have a reason to feel fear. I am bold. I am loving. I am sensible and rational. Thank You Lord for Your deepest love to me!!
end of journal note. Handwrite this note once a day for 21 days to rewire your brain. Get this one buried deep in your psyche to bring about better outcomes for you. With God's help, arrest that old controlling childhood event. Discover how Jesus really means for you to live and enjoy this life of yours!!
As this next week moves toward the big day think about the beginnig and your own itty-bitty mistakes and how they affect lots of folks. Work on those areas and you'll find Christmas to be an even sweeter time than you could ever imagine.
Enjoy the jingles and tinsel everyone!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
And moving away from the weather talk, Christmas Eve is just one week and a day away. It has come upon us quickly, or so it seems. There has to be alot of cooking and cleaning and wrapping like crazy going on out there. A lot of activity for this coming up week. I am wishing all of you a safe and very happy Christmas. Really try to enjoy it and don't get too stressed with all the decisions to be made.
Speaking of holiday stress, have you ever experienced an awkward moment at those Christmas gatherings? Well Joseph was faced with a difficult and heart-breaking moment. He was engaged to marry Mary but he found out that she was pregnant. No way was the baby his because they were true to their vows of being celibate untill the wedding night. As awkward and heart-breaking the news was, he chose to deal with it in a quiet way. He was going to divorce her (yes, an engagement in that time was a very committed relationship so much so that a divorce was in order) but do it privately and not expose the disgrace of her pregnancy. While he was thinking up a plan an angel appeared to him in a dream (Matthew 1: 20) and explained to him that Mary was pregnant by the Holy Spirit and not to be afraid of marrying her. Can you imagine waking up from that dream! Would you believe a dream like that? Listen on and see what he did next. The angel in the dream told him something that sounded familiar. In last night's dream he heard the angel say: (Matthew 1:23, MSG) "Watch for this--a virgin will get pregnant and bear a son; They will name Him Emmanuel (Hebrew for 'God is with us')." And the angel said this would happen to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet. So Joseph knew that this story had been passed down for ages but never in a million years did he expect to be linked to it. Where was it in the scriptures that foretold of this event? Isaiah 7:14 (GWT): "So the Lord Himself will give you this sign: A virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a Son, and she will name Him Immanuel [God is with us]." Wow!! This is really happening! Why is this Baby so special? Skimming down a couple of chapters Joseph finds the answer. Isaiah 9:6 (NIV): "For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Repeat these titles once again but very slowly. Let them sink into your psyche. Now I want to back up, way back, all the way to the beginning. Let's review why Jesus is being born to a virgin. In Genesis we witness Adam and Eve doing bad. They chose to eat a piece of fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God had placed them in the most idylic place ever with not a care in the world. But He gave them one condition for living there--do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Along comes a beautiful snake and this snake talks. There have been other stories in the Bible of animals talking so please don't freak out about this part. The beautiful snake used very convincing words to persuade them to eat the fruit that they were not suppose to eat. That one itty bitty little mistake change their whole world forever. They immediately felt fear which they had never felt before. They felt guilt and shame over their newly discovered nakedness. You see they were sinless and innocent before this event and that is why their nakedness didn't bother them. They felt the need to hide from God and ran among the trees when they heard Him walking around in the garden. Unfortunately, they were about to be thrown out of the lovely, lush garden. God then promised to the woman pain and difficulty with pregnancy and delivery. And to the man, gardening would no longer be as much pleasure as it once was. Now he would have to contend with weeds and thorns and adverse weather conditions. This would make it harder for him to grow the family some food. God cursed the ground and the snake. All of the planet was affected by the itty-bitty mistake. But with God handing out all the bad news He also had good news. Genesis 3:15 (NCV): "I will make you and the woman enemies to each other. Your descendants and her descendants will be enemies. One of her descendants will crush your head, and you will bit His heel." God said this to the snake. Don't forget that the snake is Satan. Satan approaches us in many different forms and ways--keep this in mind as we discuss this some more. Eve's descendant that God was referring to is none other than Jesus. Even when we broke God's heart He gave us a way out from all of our mess.
Fast forward to Joseph. Matthew 1:24 (MSG): "Then Joseph woke up. He did exactly what God's angel commanded in the dream. He married Mary. But he did not consummate the marriage until she had the baby. He named the baby Jesus."
And fast forward to today. Friend, what kind of mess-ups are putting you in an awkward situation for this Christmas? Could it be from a past traumatic event that keeps living large in you? Is it something new that you have experimented with and discovered that it caused more problems than enjoyment? How about the family member that everyone whispers about and shuns? Unforgivness? Regrets? Then you will want to apply 21 Day Journal Note # 23.
21 Day Journal Note # 23
Haunted by the Ghost of Childhood Past
Proverbs 25:8 (MSG) Don't jump to conclusions--there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw.
1 John 4:18 (MSG) There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life--fear of death, fear of judgment--is one not yet fully formed in love.
Childhood uncertainties. Things we can't explain. guilty dispositions placed on small ones by bigger ones just so they can feel release from their pressures. Whether divorce, suicide, rape, abandonment--a child cannot be the one who shoulders the blame. 1 John 4:19 (NIV): "We love because He first loved us." I am loved with a perfect love by the highest being. I no longer have a reason to feel fear. I am bold. I am loving. I am sensible and rational. Thank You Lord for Your deepest love to me!!
end of journal note. Handwrite this note once a day for 21 days to rewire your brain. Get this one buried deep in your psyche to bring about better outcomes for you. With God's help, arrest that old controlling childhood event. Discover how Jesus really means for you to live and enjoy this life of yours!!
As this next week moves toward the big day think about the beginnig and your own itty-bitty mistakes and how they affect lots of folks. Work on those areas and you'll find Christmas to be an even sweeter time than you could ever imagine.
Enjoy the jingles and tinsel everyone!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Friday, December 9, 2011
Christmas Mouse
Last Wednesday, December 7th, was Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. I started that day off by posting on Facebook about my very own Pearl Harbor moments. My childhood church is Harris Creek Baptist Church, Jacksonville, NC. I am pleased to say that my youngest brother, Drew, is now the pastor of that church. It scares me to think of what he is sharing up in that pulpit about his siblings and I'm not even there to defend myself. But thinking back to those younger sibling days, I commented on FB that the kids I grew up with at HCBC are like extended siblings to me. I have lots of memories of indiviuals, of the different phases of our lives, and of the different holidays celebrated with them. And Pearl Harbor Day is no exception. One of our Sunday School teachers for the teenage class was Mr. Adrian Gurganus. He was a great SS teacher and leader. He is also a survivor of the Pearl Harbor attack and shared his experience with us every year around December 7th. His daughter, Peggy, posted a Jacksonville Daily News (NC) article on FB honoring Mr. Adrian at a ceremony celebrating him and others who have served in the military. I was wowed at his age--89 years young. Thank you, again, Mr. Adrian, for the service you rendered and for leading such fine students to continue on with our own walks of life. Keevin and I discussed how our parents were small children at the time of the attacks, being 70 years ago. And I observe the remembrance day because of Mr. Adrian. But other younger folks don't hold the same feelings for this part of our history as I do. Not many Mr. Adrian's are still alive. Most of them have gone on to their next life phase, heaven I hope. The further we travel away from December 7th, 1941 the dimmer of the memory. Those good serving folks are less notable and important and visible.
And now that we have arrived to the Christmas season, gifting is on our minds. Every weekend Keevin and I point out the Christmas trees tied up on top of vehicles traveling out of the town of Boone and back to their homes. Some of the vehicles have 2 and 3 trees tied on top. Maybe they have a large home and put up several and maybe more than one family traveled to our lovely town to experience the choose-&-cut tree method. But still those trees are going to good homes, to be put up and lovingly decorated and admired and enjoyed. Once that's done the next phase is to get busy wrapping presents and carefully designing the underneath of the beautiful tree. Some of those presents will be for people other than family members and friends. There will be gifts for coworkers, neighbors, Secret Santa pal, pastor, SS teacher, school teacher, mailman, etc. Perhaps, though, with this being a lean, hard-to-find-job year not as many of these folks will receive gifts as in years past. Somehow I think these important people know that they are still significant in the lives of the would-be giver.
But what about the person who wishes they could be significant enough to receive a gift? This person feels invisible and feels like no one sees him/her. A couple years ago Heidie Harris and I shared the Women's ministry duties at Lascassas Baptist Church (TN). She is awesome at newsletter design and she knows how to do all that is done on the computer to accomplish this. She can bake and decorate a beautiful,or whatever you want on it, cake for any occasion. One personal link we shared was to help the ladies who did not participate in the up-front activities (such as choir, teaching, praise team, etc) to feel included with all the ladies of LBC. That inspired me to go around every Sunday morning and shake hands and greet every person that I could. I developed relationships by that very act. Some folks would ask my where abouts if they missed me the week before. People got used to being acknowleged and spoken to. These are folks that I had to go to. I found them in their usual pews. I think they appreciated the effort I put into finding them. But if I hadn't--did they feel invisible? Overlooked?
Do you feel invisible? Overlooked? Are you afraid that you are not significant enough to receive a Christmas present? 21 Day Journal Note # 22 can help you turn this way of life into a visible, noticed and signifcant life--but the main reason for you to be noticed is to attract your contacts to Jesus.
21 Day Journal Note # 22
Ephesians 4:21-24 (MSG) That's no life for you. You learned Christ! We do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything--and I do mean everything--connected with that old way of life has to go. It's rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life-a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces His character in you.
Lord, I feel invisible. I feel no passion. I have not interest in anything. No energy. No creativity. I am floating along in life with no purpose or direction. I feel lost in the crowd. I follow the crowd and do what they are doing because my thinking has no direction for my life. Because of Your word I realize that I am on a dead-end path. One that is not Your path. I choose this day to be lead and directed by You. Help me Lord to love You with my whole being and energy. Help me to share in Your character, Your loves, Your ways. I refuse to live lifeless anymore. My goal is to be renewed, refreshed and to add color and flavor to my life so that you will be visible in me. Thank you my Father!!
end of journal note. Change the bad habit of lifelessness by handwriting this journal note once a day x 21 days. Christ's blood will start pumping through your body and wake it up to a new life.
Friend, if you are a quiet Christmas mouse I encourage you to start this journal note right away. You'll feel some effects of it by day 4 but continue on to day 21 for that new life you crave. However, this doesn't mean that you will get those presents this year that would make you feel important. Your importance comes from God and God gave you Jesus and Jesus gave you the Holy Spirit--That's alot of giving that you have already received. You just need to accept it wholeheartedly. But maybe by next year you will receive those extra gifts and maybe have a wall full of Christmas cards. The idea is for you to courageously climb out of your pew and wander to the other side of the scantuary and say "hello" to someone. Tie a string around you finger to remind you to say "good morning" to your coworker as you walk past him/her by. Draw a smiley face on a yellow post-it note and stick it on your desk to smile as you talk to anyone on the phone. People can feel smiles as they are talking to you on the phone. I know all this change will be hard but it's the right thing to do!! Remember a verse from last week Isaiah 32:17 (NIV)? It says: "The fruit of righteousness will be peace. The effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever." The quietness referred to in this verse means a lack of anxiousness and chaos in your spirit. That's the kind of quietness you really want. Not the outward quietness that comes from fear of rejection and other fears. That kind of quietness is a cowering and shrinking away from humans (and maybe even God). Friend, I hope you choose this kind of life.
Take good care of yourself, my friend, because you are very significant!!! I see you and so does God!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
And now that we have arrived to the Christmas season, gifting is on our minds. Every weekend Keevin and I point out the Christmas trees tied up on top of vehicles traveling out of the town of Boone and back to their homes. Some of the vehicles have 2 and 3 trees tied on top. Maybe they have a large home and put up several and maybe more than one family traveled to our lovely town to experience the choose-&-cut tree method. But still those trees are going to good homes, to be put up and lovingly decorated and admired and enjoyed. Once that's done the next phase is to get busy wrapping presents and carefully designing the underneath of the beautiful tree. Some of those presents will be for people other than family members and friends. There will be gifts for coworkers, neighbors, Secret Santa pal, pastor, SS teacher, school teacher, mailman, etc. Perhaps, though, with this being a lean, hard-to-find-job year not as many of these folks will receive gifts as in years past. Somehow I think these important people know that they are still significant in the lives of the would-be giver.
But what about the person who wishes they could be significant enough to receive a gift? This person feels invisible and feels like no one sees him/her. A couple years ago Heidie Harris and I shared the Women's ministry duties at Lascassas Baptist Church (TN). She is awesome at newsletter design and she knows how to do all that is done on the computer to accomplish this. She can bake and decorate a beautiful,or whatever you want on it, cake for any occasion. One personal link we shared was to help the ladies who did not participate in the up-front activities (such as choir, teaching, praise team, etc) to feel included with all the ladies of LBC. That inspired me to go around every Sunday morning and shake hands and greet every person that I could. I developed relationships by that very act. Some folks would ask my where abouts if they missed me the week before. People got used to being acknowleged and spoken to. These are folks that I had to go to. I found them in their usual pews. I think they appreciated the effort I put into finding them. But if I hadn't--did they feel invisible? Overlooked?
Do you feel invisible? Overlooked? Are you afraid that you are not significant enough to receive a Christmas present? 21 Day Journal Note # 22 can help you turn this way of life into a visible, noticed and signifcant life--but the main reason for you to be noticed is to attract your contacts to Jesus.
21 Day Journal Note # 22
Ephesians 4:21-24 (MSG) That's no life for you. You learned Christ! We do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything--and I do mean everything--connected with that old way of life has to go. It's rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life-a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces His character in you.
Lord, I feel invisible. I feel no passion. I have not interest in anything. No energy. No creativity. I am floating along in life with no purpose or direction. I feel lost in the crowd. I follow the crowd and do what they are doing because my thinking has no direction for my life. Because of Your word I realize that I am on a dead-end path. One that is not Your path. I choose this day to be lead and directed by You. Help me Lord to love You with my whole being and energy. Help me to share in Your character, Your loves, Your ways. I refuse to live lifeless anymore. My goal is to be renewed, refreshed and to add color and flavor to my life so that you will be visible in me. Thank you my Father!!
end of journal note. Change the bad habit of lifelessness by handwriting this journal note once a day x 21 days. Christ's blood will start pumping through your body and wake it up to a new life.
Friend, if you are a quiet Christmas mouse I encourage you to start this journal note right away. You'll feel some effects of it by day 4 but continue on to day 21 for that new life you crave. However, this doesn't mean that you will get those presents this year that would make you feel important. Your importance comes from God and God gave you Jesus and Jesus gave you the Holy Spirit--That's alot of giving that you have already received. You just need to accept it wholeheartedly. But maybe by next year you will receive those extra gifts and maybe have a wall full of Christmas cards. The idea is for you to courageously climb out of your pew and wander to the other side of the scantuary and say "hello" to someone. Tie a string around you finger to remind you to say "good morning" to your coworker as you walk past him/her by. Draw a smiley face on a yellow post-it note and stick it on your desk to smile as you talk to anyone on the phone. People can feel smiles as they are talking to you on the phone. I know all this change will be hard but it's the right thing to do!! Remember a verse from last week Isaiah 32:17 (NIV)? It says: "The fruit of righteousness will be peace. The effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever." The quietness referred to in this verse means a lack of anxiousness and chaos in your spirit. That's the kind of quietness you really want. Not the outward quietness that comes from fear of rejection and other fears. That kind of quietness is a cowering and shrinking away from humans (and maybe even God). Friend, I hope you choose this kind of life.
Take good care of yourself, my friend, because you are very significant!!! I see you and so does God!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Friday, December 2, 2011
Christmas Decorating Mood
Not in the spirit yet? I have to admit that I feel like I have already experienced Christmas and there's no reason to go to the trouble of decorating. Last weekend I spent lots of family time and enjoyed every bit of it. Moma said that Thanksgiving this year felt like Christmas. The funny thing is not one bit of Christmas decoration was around. My mom, sister, aunt Janice and I shared time while baking pies and cakes. The fun of it was the discussion of Grandma Millie's 7 layer cake. Lorie determined that the 1 cup of lard was the secret ingredient. Grandma's cakes really do taste different. Aunt Janice even wrote down the recipe, borrowed a cup of lard and vowed to cook it for their Thanksgiving meal at Regina's (my cousin) house. And she did. I crashed their family meal later that evening (because Aunt Janice said I could) and taste tested her cake. It tasted just as good as Lorie's. Oh, and the relationship time was the icing.
I have heard from lots of facebook friends that they are simply not in a Christmas mood. One friend asked if it would be selfish to put up decorations just for herself. She also replied to some others that she really wasn't in the mood. I commented to her that it was worth putting it up if it reminded her of Jesus. The ambiance that is emitted from the soft colorful glows lifts our spirits and that is exactly what Jesus does for us. I am among many who may be celebrating the important day with only my spouse but I am also celebrating it with Holy Dad and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I will be putting up a few lights in the camper and a couple of little pre-lit trees out on my little deck. You see, we don't have to let bland moods get us off track from celebrating Jesus--He is after all so very important to us and our lives. Let's lift Him up, even if you are the only one in your home.
So--what keeps us out of the Christmas mood? Stresses. Homesickness. Financial troubles. Family squabbles. Bad memories. Distorted thinking. Loneliness. Pain. Depression. And there are probably more.
All of these scenerios are very real and deeply affect us. The fact is--these situations are in front of you, blocking you from enjoying life--agree? So--do you want to enjoy the 2011 Christmas time? Let's see what we can do about it.
We have blockages. In fact, we nurse and coddle our blockages. Perhaps it is attention you are getting from your affliction. You may enjoy self-pity. Old bad memories play over and over in your mind like a tape recorder. Pride keeps you from forgiving or asking for forgiveness of a friend or family member. You come up with excuses for not getting out and meeting friends in your new town. Changing the way you think feels too big of a task. No energy due to depression. No hope due to no job.
And friend, I have been there and done that. I am no stranger to hard times, to anxious times, to distorted times. A few years back God allowed my car to suffer an oil pump diaster and we couldn't afford to have it fixed. At the same time Keevin's job was going down the drain. We had to live in our camper because that was what we could afford. I no longer had transportation for employment--and could't receive unemployment for that situation. We moved our camper back to Murfreesboro, TN where Keevin was able to get a better job, but it took a while to recover enough to move into a rental house with our grown children. Still out of employement myself, I had lots of time on my hands. That is when God showed me the gift He had given me. The gift of writing. It is one of those strengths that comes naturally for me. I don't have to do much thinking about it--I just start writing and it flows. His word says He has given all of us gifts. They sometimes appear later in life, though. I share my story with you for you to see that hard times are also gifts from God. It may take a while for you to figure it out. It also depends on how you are relating to God about the situation. I gave the hard times to God and He showed me the gift He wanted me to use for Him. It has been one of the most fulfilling happenings in my life. My writing has strengthened my relationship with God, myself, my husband, my children and the rest of my family and Keevin's family. Keevin and I once again are living in the camper but this time because the Lord led us to Boone,NC to start a church. We hope to be in a rental apartment before too long. God knows what He has planned for us and we are waiting patiently for Him.
Where do you stand with God? Do you talk daily to Him with the first words out of your mouth being praises? Do you read His word daily to hear from Him? Do you actually learn from His word about problem areas in your life? He has answers and advise. It is the best advise in the world--oh yeah, He created the world and the way things work. You'll be so in love with Him by experiencing the healing His word brings about. With healing comes clarity, peace and the ability to accept love.
That clarity, peace, and ability to accept love will help you to be in the Christmas decorating mood.! The next 21 Day Journal Note will help with the blockage problem--give it a try.
21 Day Journal Note # 21
1 Corinthians 10:19-22 (MSG): Do you see the difference? Sacrifices offered to idols are offered to nothing, for what's the idol but a nothing? Or worse than nothing, a minus, a demon! I don't want you to become part of something that reduces you to less than yourself. And you can't have it both ways, banqueting with the Master one day and slumming with demons the next. Besides, the Master won't put up with it. He wants us--all or nothing. Do you think you can get off with anything less?
My eyes and mind have not been on You, Lord. I have allowed outside influences to control me. I find myslef encouraging and nursing them. I am sinning and my sin is blocking You out of my mind. Because of You and You only do I have confidence and strength to face my challenges. I am comforted that You are holding my hand through this process and You won't let me fall. Praise You!!!
end of journal note. Hand write this note for 21 days to rewire your brain and to replace the blockage that is keeping you from feeling festive. You'll start to feel the effects by day 4 but continue on to day 21 for full and lasting effect.
Ok friend, you have a big decision to make. I have explored reasons as to why you are not in the Christmas mood and I have offered reasons as to why you stay in the blue mood you are in. I have offered up God's solutions to feeling festive for His celebration. It's the right thing to do and you'll feel amazing results. Check out Isaiah 32:17 (NIV): The fruit of righteousness will be peace. The effect of rightousness will be quietness and confidence forever.---That's one of my faves!!
Now start your Christmas decorating, inside and out!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
I have heard from lots of facebook friends that they are simply not in a Christmas mood. One friend asked if it would be selfish to put up decorations just for herself. She also replied to some others that she really wasn't in the mood. I commented to her that it was worth putting it up if it reminded her of Jesus. The ambiance that is emitted from the soft colorful glows lifts our spirits and that is exactly what Jesus does for us. I am among many who may be celebrating the important day with only my spouse but I am also celebrating it with Holy Dad and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I will be putting up a few lights in the camper and a couple of little pre-lit trees out on my little deck. You see, we don't have to let bland moods get us off track from celebrating Jesus--He is after all so very important to us and our lives. Let's lift Him up, even if you are the only one in your home.
So--what keeps us out of the Christmas mood? Stresses. Homesickness. Financial troubles. Family squabbles. Bad memories. Distorted thinking. Loneliness. Pain. Depression. And there are probably more.
All of these scenerios are very real and deeply affect us. The fact is--these situations are in front of you, blocking you from enjoying life--agree? So--do you want to enjoy the 2011 Christmas time? Let's see what we can do about it.
We have blockages. In fact, we nurse and coddle our blockages. Perhaps it is attention you are getting from your affliction. You may enjoy self-pity. Old bad memories play over and over in your mind like a tape recorder. Pride keeps you from forgiving or asking for forgiveness of a friend or family member. You come up with excuses for not getting out and meeting friends in your new town. Changing the way you think feels too big of a task. No energy due to depression. No hope due to no job.
And friend, I have been there and done that. I am no stranger to hard times, to anxious times, to distorted times. A few years back God allowed my car to suffer an oil pump diaster and we couldn't afford to have it fixed. At the same time Keevin's job was going down the drain. We had to live in our camper because that was what we could afford. I no longer had transportation for employment--and could't receive unemployment for that situation. We moved our camper back to Murfreesboro, TN where Keevin was able to get a better job, but it took a while to recover enough to move into a rental house with our grown children. Still out of employement myself, I had lots of time on my hands. That is when God showed me the gift He had given me. The gift of writing. It is one of those strengths that comes naturally for me. I don't have to do much thinking about it--I just start writing and it flows. His word says He has given all of us gifts. They sometimes appear later in life, though. I share my story with you for you to see that hard times are also gifts from God. It may take a while for you to figure it out. It also depends on how you are relating to God about the situation. I gave the hard times to God and He showed me the gift He wanted me to use for Him. It has been one of the most fulfilling happenings in my life. My writing has strengthened my relationship with God, myself, my husband, my children and the rest of my family and Keevin's family. Keevin and I once again are living in the camper but this time because the Lord led us to Boone,NC to start a church. We hope to be in a rental apartment before too long. God knows what He has planned for us and we are waiting patiently for Him.
Where do you stand with God? Do you talk daily to Him with the first words out of your mouth being praises? Do you read His word daily to hear from Him? Do you actually learn from His word about problem areas in your life? He has answers and advise. It is the best advise in the world--oh yeah, He created the world and the way things work. You'll be so in love with Him by experiencing the healing His word brings about. With healing comes clarity, peace and the ability to accept love.
That clarity, peace, and ability to accept love will help you to be in the Christmas decorating mood.! The next 21 Day Journal Note will help with the blockage problem--give it a try.
21 Day Journal Note # 21
1 Corinthians 10:19-22 (MSG): Do you see the difference? Sacrifices offered to idols are offered to nothing, for what's the idol but a nothing? Or worse than nothing, a minus, a demon! I don't want you to become part of something that reduces you to less than yourself. And you can't have it both ways, banqueting with the Master one day and slumming with demons the next. Besides, the Master won't put up with it. He wants us--all or nothing. Do you think you can get off with anything less?
My eyes and mind have not been on You, Lord. I have allowed outside influences to control me. I find myslef encouraging and nursing them. I am sinning and my sin is blocking You out of my mind. Because of You and You only do I have confidence and strength to face my challenges. I am comforted that You are holding my hand through this process and You won't let me fall. Praise You!!!
end of journal note. Hand write this note for 21 days to rewire your brain and to replace the blockage that is keeping you from feeling festive. You'll start to feel the effects by day 4 but continue on to day 21 for full and lasting effect.
Ok friend, you have a big decision to make. I have explored reasons as to why you are not in the Christmas mood and I have offered reasons as to why you stay in the blue mood you are in. I have offered up God's solutions to feeling festive for His celebration. It's the right thing to do and you'll feel amazing results. Check out Isaiah 32:17 (NIV): The fruit of righteousness will be peace. The effect of rightousness will be quietness and confidence forever.---That's one of my faves!!
Now start your Christmas decorating, inside and out!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Monday, November 28, 2011
Moving toward the next celebration
If you are like me you endured some traveling within the last 5-6 days. My traveling was well worth the endure. I enjoyed awesome relationship times with my Mom and Dad, siblings and their families, aunts and uncles and some cousins. I just wish I had spent some time with all my cousins--but there are a lot of them and not enough time. Thanksgiving morning I found myself in Momma's kitchen with my mom, my sister and my Aunt Janice. We were baking Grandma Millie's 7 layer cake (which ended up being 10 layers) and had a great time reminicing over the techniques Grandma Millie used in making that cake. Aunt Janice vowed to go home and make the same cake and take it to Regina's-which she did. It was an awesome time creating more memories for us ladies to reflect back on. Momma said this Thanksgiving felt more like Christmas and not a single piece of Christmas decoration was in sight. It was all about relationship sharing.
What about you? Did you connect positively with someone during this highlighted time? Relationships don't come easy for some of us. Fear of rejection, failure, loss (death), etc cause gaps to come between family and friends. These events can occur in childhood and continue on into adulthood. If you read the first paragraph with envy I want you to know that it is possible for you to experience the same connections.
If you feel depressed, lonely, overlooked, invisible--I encourage you to write down your feelings. Follow your thoughts. This exercise will lead you to the central fear that is causing your dissatisfaction. Whoever or whatever caused your dissatisfaction can be forgiven. And I challenge you to forgive this person or situation. I don't intend for you to do this on your own--but with Holy Dad's help. Let's visit 2 Timothy 1:7 (Wynndy's combined versions) "God did not give me a spirit of fear/timidity, But He has given me a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline/sound mind." The truth is those fears of rejection, loss, failure, etc are not from God and He is replacing them with His power, love and self-discipline/sound mind. These wonderful things are already inside of you--you just have to ask Holy Dad to activate them. Now look at Philippians 2:13 (AMP) (Not in your own strength) for it is God who is all the while effectually at work in you (energizing and creating in you the power and desire), both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight." I memorized this verse exchanging the your and you with my, me, etc. I have enbedded it in my subconcious in a personal way and it is very effective. I want to point out to you that God is the One who energizes you and creates in you power and desire. Sometimes we feel sluggish and uninspired. It's ok to feel this way--but be sure to recognize this state of mind and then turn to Holy Dad for help. What results in this type of activity is His satisfaction, good pleasure and delight. You may be wishing you could have some of the satisfaction and delight. Well you can. Follow me to 2 Peter 1:3-4 (NCV). I have exchanged the us, you, etc for me and I. "Jesus has the power of God, by which He has given me everything I need to live and serve God. I have these things because I know Him. Jesus called me by His glory and goodness. Through these He gave me the very great and precious promises. With these gifts I can share in being like God, and the world will not ruin me with it's evil desires." Did you notice all of the gifts and promises in these verses? These are ours!!! What a fabulous early Christimas present. But did you notice the last sentence where it says "I can share in being like God"? See, you can experience His satisfaction, good pleasure and delight.
But we're still facing those ugly fears that have cause disconnects in our relationships. First of all get your relaitonship with Jesus and Holy Dad in order. Ask Him to help you love Him with your total being and energies as He would want you to do. Next, work on healing your relational injuries. It's not totally your fault (or it may be) that you were injured but it is your responsibility (and thankfully possible) to heal these wounds. The Holy Word heals you. Try the next 21 day Journal note for a new way of relating.
21 Day Journal Note # 20
Fear of Intimacy
Psalm 27:10 (GWT) Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will take care of me.
Galatians 4:7 (MSG) Doen't that privilege of intimate conversation with God make it plain that you are not a slave, but a child? And if you are a child, you're also an heir, with complete access to the inheritance.
Psalm 34:18 (NLT) The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those who are crushed in spirit.
1 Corinthians 7:3 (NLT) The husband should not deprive his wife of sexual intimacy, which is her right as a married woman, nor should the wife deprive her husband.
Lord, I have a fear of intimacy! Childhood circumstances and adulthood situations have prevented me from bonding with family and friends. I recognize that the spirit of who I am has been crushed. But Lord, Your hope wells up inside of me. I am Your child, Your family. You are my lifeline. I haveYour love, power, strength already infused in me to help me conquer this fear. I will from this day forward seek to satisfy my husband and he will satisfy me. Thank you for healing my spirit and energizing my sexual life within my marriage.
end of journal note.
This journal note indicates that our relational injuries influence our current relationships (or lack of). Try this one, handwriting it once a day x 21 days for a rewiring of your brain. Once you have come to the place of forgiveness and feel like your are moving up and onward, just remember that you have been healed but the other one who has caused those injuries to you has not. That's not to say that your healing won't bring about some amazing relationship resolves but beware that there are two sides to a relationship and you can only control your side of it. Please ask Holy Dad to hold your hand as you approach the one who has wounded you. Holiday times can be so stressful but I hope this one helps your face it and enjoy it.
Enjoy those turkey left-overs and rework those relationships.
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
What about you? Did you connect positively with someone during this highlighted time? Relationships don't come easy for some of us. Fear of rejection, failure, loss (death), etc cause gaps to come between family and friends. These events can occur in childhood and continue on into adulthood. If you read the first paragraph with envy I want you to know that it is possible for you to experience the same connections.
If you feel depressed, lonely, overlooked, invisible--I encourage you to write down your feelings. Follow your thoughts. This exercise will lead you to the central fear that is causing your dissatisfaction. Whoever or whatever caused your dissatisfaction can be forgiven. And I challenge you to forgive this person or situation. I don't intend for you to do this on your own--but with Holy Dad's help. Let's visit 2 Timothy 1:7 (Wynndy's combined versions) "God did not give me a spirit of fear/timidity, But He has given me a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline/sound mind." The truth is those fears of rejection, loss, failure, etc are not from God and He is replacing them with His power, love and self-discipline/sound mind. These wonderful things are already inside of you--you just have to ask Holy Dad to activate them. Now look at Philippians 2:13 (AMP) (Not in your own strength) for it is God who is all the while effectually at work in you (energizing and creating in you the power and desire), both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight." I memorized this verse exchanging the your and you with my, me, etc. I have enbedded it in my subconcious in a personal way and it is very effective. I want to point out to you that God is the One who energizes you and creates in you power and desire. Sometimes we feel sluggish and uninspired. It's ok to feel this way--but be sure to recognize this state of mind and then turn to Holy Dad for help. What results in this type of activity is His satisfaction, good pleasure and delight. You may be wishing you could have some of the satisfaction and delight. Well you can. Follow me to 2 Peter 1:3-4 (NCV). I have exchanged the us, you, etc for me and I. "Jesus has the power of God, by which He has given me everything I need to live and serve God. I have these things because I know Him. Jesus called me by His glory and goodness. Through these He gave me the very great and precious promises. With these gifts I can share in being like God, and the world will not ruin me with it's evil desires." Did you notice all of the gifts and promises in these verses? These are ours!!! What a fabulous early Christimas present. But did you notice the last sentence where it says "I can share in being like God"? See, you can experience His satisfaction, good pleasure and delight.
But we're still facing those ugly fears that have cause disconnects in our relationships. First of all get your relaitonship with Jesus and Holy Dad in order. Ask Him to help you love Him with your total being and energies as He would want you to do. Next, work on healing your relational injuries. It's not totally your fault (or it may be) that you were injured but it is your responsibility (and thankfully possible) to heal these wounds. The Holy Word heals you. Try the next 21 day Journal note for a new way of relating.
21 Day Journal Note # 20
Fear of Intimacy
Psalm 27:10 (GWT) Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will take care of me.
Galatians 4:7 (MSG) Doen't that privilege of intimate conversation with God make it plain that you are not a slave, but a child? And if you are a child, you're also an heir, with complete access to the inheritance.
Psalm 34:18 (NLT) The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those who are crushed in spirit.
1 Corinthians 7:3 (NLT) The husband should not deprive his wife of sexual intimacy, which is her right as a married woman, nor should the wife deprive her husband.
Lord, I have a fear of intimacy! Childhood circumstances and adulthood situations have prevented me from bonding with family and friends. I recognize that the spirit of who I am has been crushed. But Lord, Your hope wells up inside of me. I am Your child, Your family. You are my lifeline. I haveYour love, power, strength already infused in me to help me conquer this fear. I will from this day forward seek to satisfy my husband and he will satisfy me. Thank you for healing my spirit and energizing my sexual life within my marriage.
end of journal note.
This journal note indicates that our relational injuries influence our current relationships (or lack of). Try this one, handwriting it once a day x 21 days for a rewiring of your brain. Once you have come to the place of forgiveness and feel like your are moving up and onward, just remember that you have been healed but the other one who has caused those injuries to you has not. That's not to say that your healing won't bring about some amazing relationship resolves but beware that there are two sides to a relationship and you can only control your side of it. Please ask Holy Dad to hold your hand as you approach the one who has wounded you. Holiday times can be so stressful but I hope this one helps your face it and enjoy it.
Enjoy those turkey left-overs and rework those relationships.
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Friday, November 18, 2011
Stay Warm!
Mostly everyone is waking up to very cold temperatures this morning. It was 18 degrees here in Boone, NC. I have a little electric heater (for supplemlental heat) sitting in front of me. My feet get really cold so I have on 2 pairs of socks. Rocky, my dog, is sitting on a warming blanket. And I have a fresh cup of hot tea in my hands. The things we do to get warm and stay warm. I reported on facebook yesterday that it was snowing in our mountainous area. Others closeby chimed in with similar weather reports. Folks talked about hot chocolate and Russian tea. The first few snows of the season provokes excitement in us--and we actually enjoy the cold weather. Here, the skiing business thrives on the coldness and the ability to make man-made snow. Everyone dreams of going to a ski lodge and sitting in front of a rock fireplace with a big roaring fire and sipping on hot chocolate. And as the season of winter moves forward the excitement dies down but the need for warmth stays.
The ups and downs of our spiritual lives can look very similar to our physical need and search for warmth. Events happen in our lives that may affect our outlook on ourselves and God. The relationships with Holy Dad and ourselves may reduce to nothing. How about this: are you even speaking to God right now or giving Him the cold shoulder? And just how badly are you talking to yourself? Are you calling yourself nasty names? If you find yourself in this place then obeying the most important and 2nd most important commands is very difficult. Do you know what those commands are? Look up Luke 10:27. NIV says: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, love your neighbor as yourself." So your relationship with Holy Dad and yourself is stunted at the moment and you don't feel like obeying this command. Friend, He doesn't tell you to do this because He is arrogant and disrespectful to you. He created you to love Him and He created you so that He could love you. Back in Genesis we were the ones who messed up the perfect situation He had put us in--keep that in mind. And in the here and now, we are the ones messing up from having a better situation. I know, I know--it's hard to force yourself to love. I'm not asking you to force yourself. In fact God's not asking you to force yourself. He has given us the Holy Spirit, living inside of us--available for service upon request--to help us with this difficult task. Use Luke 10:27 as a guide in a prayer request to Holy Dad. Tell our sweet Lord that you are having difficulty in the love department but you wish to love Him like He wants you to. And then ask Him to help you love Him with all your heart/passion, soul/prayer life, strentgh/energies, and mind/intellect. And ask Him to clarify how He wants you to feel about yourself and to achieve that level of care. Once you have those 2 things flowing in the right direction the flow continues on to others. And then give Him huge thanks.
With all that love swirling around in us our lives warm up and blossom. There is a warm light at the end of the tunnel. Now look to see what your life can become: 2 Peter 1:5-8 (MSG): "So don't lose a minute in building on what you've been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others. With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus." Did you pick out the word "warm" in this scripture? How about "basic"? And "passionate"? And "grass"? I really love these verses and what it means for my life. The quality of life is definitely raised by following the formula outlined here.
I used that same portion of scripture in the next 21 day journal note. See how I used it and perhaps you will use it and benefit from it.
21 Day Journal Note # 19
Who is Resposible?
My thoughts continuouslly zero in on people--what they are doing to me and what they are not doing for me. Lord, this is bad behavior that I am responsible to deal with. Psalm 118:8 (GWT) says: "It is better to depend on the Lord than to trust mortals." Father, You are helping me to depend on You and not put my responsibilities off on others! 2 Peter 1:5-8 (MSG) advises: "So don't lose a minute in building character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, fitting into and developing the others. With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus."
end of journal note.
Just in case you are new to this site, it is proven that handwriting God's word once a day x 21 days rewires your brain and in turn changes your life. And it doesn't take much time to perform this very helpful task--you just have to do it.
So friend, will you warm up your soul today for God, for others, for yourself?
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
The ups and downs of our spiritual lives can look very similar to our physical need and search for warmth. Events happen in our lives that may affect our outlook on ourselves and God. The relationships with Holy Dad and ourselves may reduce to nothing. How about this: are you even speaking to God right now or giving Him the cold shoulder? And just how badly are you talking to yourself? Are you calling yourself nasty names? If you find yourself in this place then obeying the most important and 2nd most important commands is very difficult. Do you know what those commands are? Look up Luke 10:27. NIV says: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, love your neighbor as yourself." So your relationship with Holy Dad and yourself is stunted at the moment and you don't feel like obeying this command. Friend, He doesn't tell you to do this because He is arrogant and disrespectful to you. He created you to love Him and He created you so that He could love you. Back in Genesis we were the ones who messed up the perfect situation He had put us in--keep that in mind. And in the here and now, we are the ones messing up from having a better situation. I know, I know--it's hard to force yourself to love. I'm not asking you to force yourself. In fact God's not asking you to force yourself. He has given us the Holy Spirit, living inside of us--available for service upon request--to help us with this difficult task. Use Luke 10:27 as a guide in a prayer request to Holy Dad. Tell our sweet Lord that you are having difficulty in the love department but you wish to love Him like He wants you to. And then ask Him to help you love Him with all your heart/passion, soul/prayer life, strentgh/energies, and mind/intellect. And ask Him to clarify how He wants you to feel about yourself and to achieve that level of care. Once you have those 2 things flowing in the right direction the flow continues on to others. And then give Him huge thanks.
With all that love swirling around in us our lives warm up and blossom. There is a warm light at the end of the tunnel. Now look to see what your life can become: 2 Peter 1:5-8 (MSG): "So don't lose a minute in building on what you've been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others. With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus." Did you pick out the word "warm" in this scripture? How about "basic"? And "passionate"? And "grass"? I really love these verses and what it means for my life. The quality of life is definitely raised by following the formula outlined here.
I used that same portion of scripture in the next 21 day journal note. See how I used it and perhaps you will use it and benefit from it.
21 Day Journal Note # 19
Who is Resposible?
My thoughts continuouslly zero in on people--what they are doing to me and what they are not doing for me. Lord, this is bad behavior that I am responsible to deal with. Psalm 118:8 (GWT) says: "It is better to depend on the Lord than to trust mortals." Father, You are helping me to depend on You and not put my responsibilities off on others! 2 Peter 1:5-8 (MSG) advises: "So don't lose a minute in building character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, fitting into and developing the others. With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus."
end of journal note.
Just in case you are new to this site, it is proven that handwriting God's word once a day x 21 days rewires your brain and in turn changes your life. And it doesn't take much time to perform this very helpful task--you just have to do it.
So friend, will you warm up your soul today for God, for others, for yourself?
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Monday, November 14, 2011
A New Week
It's the beginning of another week. Back to work we go. New decisions to be made. Plans to finalize. Options to consider. Relationships to salvage. And it's no wonder that Mondays are dreaded. Sunday night comes and we start dragging our feet. So, how do you manage to get through the day on Mondays? You could say that you put one foot in front of the other and your body follows. Before you know it 5:00 p.m. is here. Work has been done. Decisions have been made. Plans are finalized or at least made more complete. Options have been mulled over. Relationships have survived. Whew!! We made it after all. So why are so Monday's dreaded?
Because we would like to be doing something else. If you are fortunate to be one of those folks who absolutely love what you do for a living--and feel like your job isn't work at all, then you are an exception. It is great if you can dream big and work towards your goal, but there is the road you have to travel before being successful. Also, our dream jobs may fizzle out because of a declining economy. You may find yourself in a job- not- well loved.
Now what do we do in a less than loved situation? First and foremost, maintain your relationship with Holy Dad. Colossians 2:7 (NLT) says: "Let your roots grow down into Him and draw nourishment from Him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all He has done." Going back to Monday, your psyche is all worked up with anxiousness and dread. You mentally stomp your feet and say "I don't want to go to work." It sounds like a tantrum doesn't it? Well, it is. That's because going to work (or wherever it is you are going) isn't your first choice, however, it is an option. Another option is to not go to work, hense not getting paid, not paying rent, not eating, etc. I know you're unhappy, but you are blessed if you have a job. At the very end of Colossians 2:7 it says to let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all He has done. Don't skip over the word "let." That means you have a choice. You can thank the Lord for your job or you can sulk about not liking it. Look for things about your work situation that you like and thank Holy Dad for that. And see where that leads you--you'll probably have a fresher perspective on the situation. Going back to the beginning of the verse notice that Holy Dad is telling you to do something. That something is to let your roots grow down into Him. Notice the word "let" again. Read, read, read and meditate, meditate, meditate His word. References to the words grow and root mean to go deep. Starting out with at least 15 minutes a day will get the ball rolling. So read the word then think deeply about it. As you read the Bible infuse it with modern words that mean the same as the translation you are reading. That will help you understand it, apply it and move your mind to a deeper level as you read. All of this reading and thinking takes your faith to a different level. Your spiritual self will become stronger. You are able to vigorously tackle life's ups and downs. God loves teaching you His truths but He needs for you to listen to Him and take His advise. By doing all of this I think you'll discover that Sunday nights are more enjoyable. Give it a try.
You may have similar reactions to relationships as you do toward work. 21 day Journal Note # 18 may help.
21 Day Journal Note # 18
John 10:10 (AMP) The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
Proverbs 3:5-6 (AMP) Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Things have happened to me in my past that has caused me to be distrustful of anyone--even God. I know that Satan is out to stifle me any way he can. But Jesus, You came, died and live again--all for me and any of Your followers. Because of You I have a beautiful life overflowing with wonderful thngs. Lord, I choose to trust in You. I have confidence and peacefulness because of You. You are making everything plain and clear to me. Thank You for You abundance to my life.
end of journal note.
So folks, how will you be feeling next Sunday night?
Overflow with thanksgiving.
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Because we would like to be doing something else. If you are fortunate to be one of those folks who absolutely love what you do for a living--and feel like your job isn't work at all, then you are an exception. It is great if you can dream big and work towards your goal, but there is the road you have to travel before being successful. Also, our dream jobs may fizzle out because of a declining economy. You may find yourself in a job- not- well loved.
Now what do we do in a less than loved situation? First and foremost, maintain your relationship with Holy Dad. Colossians 2:7 (NLT) says: "Let your roots grow down into Him and draw nourishment from Him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all He has done." Going back to Monday, your psyche is all worked up with anxiousness and dread. You mentally stomp your feet and say "I don't want to go to work." It sounds like a tantrum doesn't it? Well, it is. That's because going to work (or wherever it is you are going) isn't your first choice, however, it is an option. Another option is to not go to work, hense not getting paid, not paying rent, not eating, etc. I know you're unhappy, but you are blessed if you have a job. At the very end of Colossians 2:7 it says to let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all He has done. Don't skip over the word "let." That means you have a choice. You can thank the Lord for your job or you can sulk about not liking it. Look for things about your work situation that you like and thank Holy Dad for that. And see where that leads you--you'll probably have a fresher perspective on the situation. Going back to the beginning of the verse notice that Holy Dad is telling you to do something. That something is to let your roots grow down into Him. Notice the word "let" again. Read, read, read and meditate, meditate, meditate His word. References to the words grow and root mean to go deep. Starting out with at least 15 minutes a day will get the ball rolling. So read the word then think deeply about it. As you read the Bible infuse it with modern words that mean the same as the translation you are reading. That will help you understand it, apply it and move your mind to a deeper level as you read. All of this reading and thinking takes your faith to a different level. Your spiritual self will become stronger. You are able to vigorously tackle life's ups and downs. God loves teaching you His truths but He needs for you to listen to Him and take His advise. By doing all of this I think you'll discover that Sunday nights are more enjoyable. Give it a try.
You may have similar reactions to relationships as you do toward work. 21 day Journal Note # 18 may help.
21 Day Journal Note # 18
John 10:10 (AMP) The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
Proverbs 3:5-6 (AMP) Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Things have happened to me in my past that has caused me to be distrustful of anyone--even God. I know that Satan is out to stifle me any way he can. But Jesus, You came, died and live again--all for me and any of Your followers. Because of You I have a beautiful life overflowing with wonderful thngs. Lord, I choose to trust in You. I have confidence and peacefulness because of You. You are making everything plain and clear to me. Thank You for You abundance to my life.
end of journal note.
So folks, how will you be feeling next Sunday night?
Overflow with thanksgiving.
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Friday, November 4, 2011
Building up and Breaking down
Hey there, friend!! What's new with you? Is the new thing a good or bad thing? How can God help you with it? He has a word of advise in His Holy Word. Just look it up in the concordance in the back of your Bible.
I have been watching a project in my neighborhood piece by piece. Out my front door I have a view of a hill lined with cabins. A sixth cabin has recently been added to the view. It came in parts. Two tractor trailers hauled in what appeared to be the base (the first floor with front door and windows) and another big box of materials to assemble the roof along with dormer windows (the second story). The construction of the two floors took only one day to complete. It went up fast and was exciting to watch as there was a crane up there on the hill doing the heavy lifting. But prior to the delivery of the house parts was a lot of preparation. Bulldozers leveled off the lot. Several cement trucks brought in enough cement for a solid foundation. And now that the house it up -there are lots of other things that needs to take place in order for it to be a completed home.
I thought about the excitement that grew in me as I watched progress on the new cabin. I recalled a similar excitement from my past as I waited to see the finished product. Traveling back in time to my teenage years--my family had a project of its own. Daddy and his brothers built a barn in our backyard. It was in the fall of the year just like this current project. Momma cooked lunch to feed the hungry brothers. Laughter was heard among the men as they joked with one another. It was a good time. In the end, Daddy had a new barn to put his john deere tractor in as well as other things.
Perhaps you have your own memories of a building project that ignites excitement in yourself. But what if you find yourself too busy to build new memories, new projects? Are you too busy to take care of yourself? Does work take up all of your time and energy? Do you often wish you could end the ball season early? No time left over for God?
Let's travel to France or Italy where they live a different pace than we Americans do. They enjoy their lunch and savor the flavor of the food. They also enjoy the company they are with. They take breaks and rest their bodies and minds. Family time seems to be very important and is high on their priority list. We Americans insist on the open floor concept in our homes--but how many of them are used for family or neighborhood get-togethers? I recently heard a saying that what we spend money on is what is important to us. I feel the same can be said for how we spend our time. We do what we want to do. I feel we have gotten caught up in society's definition of the way to do life. It's what we know--we've been taught. You'll be a success if you move up the corporate ladder. Your child will have a healthy self-esteem if he/she participates in a team sport and is driven to win no matter what. You are a much better person if you skip out on taking care of yourself and meet the needs of everyone else--regardless if they are not being self-responsible. It goes on and on.
But what does God say? Check out 21 Day Journal Note # 17.
21 Day Journal Note # 17
Psalm 127:2 (MSG): It's useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don't you know He enjoys giving rest to those He loves?
Proverbs 14:30 (AMP): A calm and undisturbed mind and heart are the life and health of the body, but envy, jealousy, and wrath are like rottenness of the bones.
Who has control overy busyness? I do!!! But why do I feel it necessary to always be on the go? By being a follower of Jesus Christ I have a BRAND NEW LIFE!! I am freed from my prison of "never having enough time." I am refusing to belittle myself because I do not have the things and jobs my neighbors have. I will no longer treat my body and mind so badly. I am living at Your pace. I am feeling Your calmness and peace.
end of journal note.
So, we started with the building of a cabin and went to breaking down busyness. Now let's go back to building up again. I love this next scripture and hope you adopt it as a memory verse. 2 Peter 1:5-8 (MSG): "So don't lose a minute in building on what you've been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others. With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus." Read over these wonderful words again, pausing on each section. Ask yourself what each section means to you. Take out a pen and paper and write down it down. What is your basic faith? What have you been given? Have you ever described patience as passionate? Do you get the idea? You can treat all scripture like this and get so much more out of it. Allow God's wonderful word to mold you and mature you and warm you up.
So friend, do you need to build up or break down or both? Be excited this weekend over something!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
I have been watching a project in my neighborhood piece by piece. Out my front door I have a view of a hill lined with cabins. A sixth cabin has recently been added to the view. It came in parts. Two tractor trailers hauled in what appeared to be the base (the first floor with front door and windows) and another big box of materials to assemble the roof along with dormer windows (the second story). The construction of the two floors took only one day to complete. It went up fast and was exciting to watch as there was a crane up there on the hill doing the heavy lifting. But prior to the delivery of the house parts was a lot of preparation. Bulldozers leveled off the lot. Several cement trucks brought in enough cement for a solid foundation. And now that the house it up -there are lots of other things that needs to take place in order for it to be a completed home.
I thought about the excitement that grew in me as I watched progress on the new cabin. I recalled a similar excitement from my past as I waited to see the finished product. Traveling back in time to my teenage years--my family had a project of its own. Daddy and his brothers built a barn in our backyard. It was in the fall of the year just like this current project. Momma cooked lunch to feed the hungry brothers. Laughter was heard among the men as they joked with one another. It was a good time. In the end, Daddy had a new barn to put his john deere tractor in as well as other things.
Perhaps you have your own memories of a building project that ignites excitement in yourself. But what if you find yourself too busy to build new memories, new projects? Are you too busy to take care of yourself? Does work take up all of your time and energy? Do you often wish you could end the ball season early? No time left over for God?
Let's travel to France or Italy where they live a different pace than we Americans do. They enjoy their lunch and savor the flavor of the food. They also enjoy the company they are with. They take breaks and rest their bodies and minds. Family time seems to be very important and is high on their priority list. We Americans insist on the open floor concept in our homes--but how many of them are used for family or neighborhood get-togethers? I recently heard a saying that what we spend money on is what is important to us. I feel the same can be said for how we spend our time. We do what we want to do. I feel we have gotten caught up in society's definition of the way to do life. It's what we know--we've been taught. You'll be a success if you move up the corporate ladder. Your child will have a healthy self-esteem if he/she participates in a team sport and is driven to win no matter what. You are a much better person if you skip out on taking care of yourself and meet the needs of everyone else--regardless if they are not being self-responsible. It goes on and on.
But what does God say? Check out 21 Day Journal Note # 17.
21 Day Journal Note # 17
Psalm 127:2 (MSG): It's useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don't you know He enjoys giving rest to those He loves?
Proverbs 14:30 (AMP): A calm and undisturbed mind and heart are the life and health of the body, but envy, jealousy, and wrath are like rottenness of the bones.
Who has control overy busyness? I do!!! But why do I feel it necessary to always be on the go? By being a follower of Jesus Christ I have a BRAND NEW LIFE!! I am freed from my prison of "never having enough time." I am refusing to belittle myself because I do not have the things and jobs my neighbors have. I will no longer treat my body and mind so badly. I am living at Your pace. I am feeling Your calmness and peace.
end of journal note.
So, we started with the building of a cabin and went to breaking down busyness. Now let's go back to building up again. I love this next scripture and hope you adopt it as a memory verse. 2 Peter 1:5-8 (MSG): "So don't lose a minute in building on what you've been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others. With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus." Read over these wonderful words again, pausing on each section. Ask yourself what each section means to you. Take out a pen and paper and write down it down. What is your basic faith? What have you been given? Have you ever described patience as passionate? Do you get the idea? You can treat all scripture like this and get so much more out of it. Allow God's wonderful word to mold you and mature you and warm you up.
So friend, do you need to build up or break down or both? Be excited this weekend over something!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Monday, October 31, 2011
Celebrate Death and Life!!
Happy October 31st Monday!!! Today is the last day of October and lots of folks consider this their favorite holiday.---We'll talk more about Halloween in a little bit. But how was your weekend? Lot's of folks carved pumpkins, went on hayrides, filled up with candy and spent time having fun with family and friends. We should seized every opportunity to spend wonderful time with those we share life with.
We, here in Boone, NC, saw snow flurries on Saturday. It didn't last long but experiencing snow in October is new for me and the Big Man (Keevin). Winter comes quickly here in the mountains. I have my rubber boots and I am ready. I am a very cold-sensitive person and winter is not my favorite time of year, but I am embracing it fondly as I know God has wonderful plans for me and Keevin and He will help me not only enjure the coldness but to also enjoy it.
You've heard the old saying "mind over matter" and it is true that whatever our focus is on- -that is what our outcome will be. I have been trying really hard to recognize the moment I start to feel guilty or worried and turn it into thanksgiving to God, thus refocusing on God and putting a positive spin on it. So far, it has worked wonderfully. I got the idea to do this after reading in a book that guilt is our (note-OUR) way of trying to redo the past. I sat up alert and realized that guilt is a common practice of mine. Could it be yours, too? We cannot do-over the past. It is done and gone and needs to be dealt with and then put up on a shelf. Worry is similar but it tries to control the future. What's weird is--the future hasn't happened yet and here we are driving ourselves crazy over nothing. The problem with worry is that what we worry about is implanted in our subconscious and it actually causes some of the dreaded things to happen. The things implanted deep in our subconscious comes out in our words, actions, behaviors and body language--it tells the world what is deep inside of us. But we can incorporate the habit that I described earlier in this paragraph to counteract and prevent this bad behavior. It's a form of self-discipline. Holy Dad can help you and has already equipped you. 2 Timothy 1:7 (combined versions) says: God has not given me a spirit of fear (or timidity), but He has given me a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline (sound mind).
I came across Proverbs 25:28 and saw a vision of what I look like when I allow my mind to run rampant. NLT says: "A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls." Self indulged guilt and worry makes me bad inside and out. It may sound like I am sugar-coating sin when I call it bad behavior but I feel we can relate to this label. Words, actions, body language are behavior. Behavior is conducting oneself in a specified way. That definition makes it sound intentional, doesn't it? And bad means not good, not as it should be. It also means incorrect or faulty. It leads into the wicked, immoral and offfensive area of the definition.
I know from experience that all the bad junk that has been fed into our brains and minds seem to overwhelm us and to take our self-control and discipline captive. A person can stay stuck in the trap. However, a person can choose to recognize the overwhelming feelings from all the bad junk and make a decision to be healed from the mess. The first step is to realize and admit to your messed-up way of thinking because of all the bad junk. Then talk to Holy Dad about it. Tell Him that you have been doing bad behavior and you are ready (and really mean it, even if you don't know how you are going to do it) and willing to allow Him to help you change. Study the areas in your life that trip you up. Could be childhood events. Could be adulthood events. Could be aggravation at work. Could be life-threatening things. Could be vague feelings that you cannot put your finger on. Tell Holy Dad about all of it. Deal with whatever it is with His help. He gives plenty of pointers in His word. The concordance in the back of your Bible is very helpful. Talk to a trusted friend and ask for accountability. Write your own contract to God and hang it up in your bedroom where you will be reminded of your quest for a better life--on God's terms. God has great plans for you!!
Put God's walls of His word around your city. Allow Him to fortify you and build you into something great--afterall, His great Son lives inside of you and that makes you great--because Jesus is great.
There was a time that I was fearful of everything about my life. Anxieties gripped me and had control over me. I was not practicing self-control. My bad behavior was pointing me in the direction it was going in, which was Satan. I got to the point that I was tired of living that way. The anxieties were taking a toll on my body and my mind. I was stressed to the max and I was worn out. Perhaps you find yourself feeling like this. I decided to do something about it but couldn't imagine what could be done. I made a vow to God that I would change my way of thinking. I even made a poster with 2 Timothy 1:7 and some other verses to remind myself of my vow. Vows are serious declarations and God honors vows and loves to help with the healing process. Writing out 21 day Journal Note # 16 (hand-written once a day x 21 days) helped me to heal of the control that anxiety had on me. Please give it a try.
We, here in Boone, NC, saw snow flurries on Saturday. It didn't last long but experiencing snow in October is new for me and the Big Man (Keevin). Winter comes quickly here in the mountains. I have my rubber boots and I am ready. I am a very cold-sensitive person and winter is not my favorite time of year, but I am embracing it fondly as I know God has wonderful plans for me and Keevin and He will help me not only enjure the coldness but to also enjoy it.
You've heard the old saying "mind over matter" and it is true that whatever our focus is on- -that is what our outcome will be. I have been trying really hard to recognize the moment I start to feel guilty or worried and turn it into thanksgiving to God, thus refocusing on God and putting a positive spin on it. So far, it has worked wonderfully. I got the idea to do this after reading in a book that guilt is our (note-OUR) way of trying to redo the past. I sat up alert and realized that guilt is a common practice of mine. Could it be yours, too? We cannot do-over the past. It is done and gone and needs to be dealt with and then put up on a shelf. Worry is similar but it tries to control the future. What's weird is--the future hasn't happened yet and here we are driving ourselves crazy over nothing. The problem with worry is that what we worry about is implanted in our subconscious and it actually causes some of the dreaded things to happen. The things implanted deep in our subconscious comes out in our words, actions, behaviors and body language--it tells the world what is deep inside of us. But we can incorporate the habit that I described earlier in this paragraph to counteract and prevent this bad behavior. It's a form of self-discipline. Holy Dad can help you and has already equipped you. 2 Timothy 1:7 (combined versions) says: God has not given me a spirit of fear (or timidity), but He has given me a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline (sound mind).
I came across Proverbs 25:28 and saw a vision of what I look like when I allow my mind to run rampant. NLT says: "A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls." Self indulged guilt and worry makes me bad inside and out. It may sound like I am sugar-coating sin when I call it bad behavior but I feel we can relate to this label. Words, actions, body language are behavior. Behavior is conducting oneself in a specified way. That definition makes it sound intentional, doesn't it? And bad means not good, not as it should be. It also means incorrect or faulty. It leads into the wicked, immoral and offfensive area of the definition.
I know from experience that all the bad junk that has been fed into our brains and minds seem to overwhelm us and to take our self-control and discipline captive. A person can stay stuck in the trap. However, a person can choose to recognize the overwhelming feelings from all the bad junk and make a decision to be healed from the mess. The first step is to realize and admit to your messed-up way of thinking because of all the bad junk. Then talk to Holy Dad about it. Tell Him that you have been doing bad behavior and you are ready (and really mean it, even if you don't know how you are going to do it) and willing to allow Him to help you change. Study the areas in your life that trip you up. Could be childhood events. Could be adulthood events. Could be aggravation at work. Could be life-threatening things. Could be vague feelings that you cannot put your finger on. Tell Holy Dad about all of it. Deal with whatever it is with His help. He gives plenty of pointers in His word. The concordance in the back of your Bible is very helpful. Talk to a trusted friend and ask for accountability. Write your own contract to God and hang it up in your bedroom where you will be reminded of your quest for a better life--on God's terms. God has great plans for you!!
Put God's walls of His word around your city. Allow Him to fortify you and build you into something great--afterall, His great Son lives inside of you and that makes you great--because Jesus is great.
There was a time that I was fearful of everything about my life. Anxieties gripped me and had control over me. I was not practicing self-control. My bad behavior was pointing me in the direction it was going in, which was Satan. I got to the point that I was tired of living that way. The anxieties were taking a toll on my body and my mind. I was stressed to the max and I was worn out. Perhaps you find yourself feeling like this. I decided to do something about it but couldn't imagine what could be done. I made a vow to God that I would change my way of thinking. I even made a poster with 2 Timothy 1:7 and some other verses to remind myself of my vow. Vows are serious declarations and God honors vows and loves to help with the healing process. Writing out 21 day Journal Note # 16 (hand-written once a day x 21 days) helped me to heal of the control that anxiety had on me. Please give it a try.
21 Day Journal Note # 16
Anxiety, Panic Attacks
Psalm 55:5 (GWT) Fear and trembling have overcome me. Horror has overwhelmed me.
Provrebs 29:25 (MSG) The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that.
Fear grips me. I admit that I allow it to control me. I will no longer trust this unnecessary fear. I will not permit myself to be disabled by others. My past will not be my god. Instead, Dear Lord, I will give You the utmost respect You alone deserve. I will spend time with You and get to know You. I am using my self-control to help heal my wounded heart and to grow and be used by You. Thank You Father for everything You are!!
end of journal note.
Did you hear the horror and disabilities mentioned in the above verses. This is how we are affected by fear and how it overcomes us and controls us. The Great News is that God's great word heals. Praises to God!!
The funny thing is that the healing is noticed in a quiet way--not a dramatic, theatrical way. After completing the 21 day journal note, when an occasion arises, you will notice quietly that you are not reacting the same way you usually do. But don't let the quietness of the reveal keep you quiet. Shout praises to God, even if it is silently (you may be in a room full of office excecutives when you discover your healing) but don't let the opportunity pass you up. That's when thanksgiving becomes a joy to you. The feeling of healing is such a relief and welcome change that thanksgiving pours out of you to the One who has healed you.
Now, back to Halloween. I read this morning some on-line devotions speaking to our current holiday. I was pleasantly surprised at how the devotion said to react to the holiday. Today is about death and horror and frightful things--which we have addressed in this blog, but society is referring to the one who causes all of the upset. Satan and evil and death. But the truth is Satan is real and death is real. Lots of folks enjoy this holiday. The devotion spoke about the origin of Halloween and how it was started as a pagan religious practice. These pagans recognized evil spirits and chose to dress up like evil spirits to make the evil spirits think that they were one of them and to leave them alone. The Christians of the Bible times chose to move a fesitval of theirs called All Saints' Day from May to Oct. 31. It was renamed All Hallows' Eve and eventually referred to as Halloween. These Christians chose to move their holiday to have a chance to introduce their beliefs to the pagans--much like the hayrides, pumpkin patches and fall festivals that our modern-day churches celebrate inviting the public. The devotion spoke of Paul's gentle approach to the pagans in order to win them over to Christ. So many of us do the bad behavior thing and totally turn our backs on the modern pagans. So if you see someone dressed up like satan, please don't brush him off. Engage him in a conversation and see where he stands. He may be hurting inside and could use a listening ear. You never know!!
Another direction that the devotion took was to relate the death experience so emphasized by Halloween to Jesus' death--but that His life continues because of His resurrection. Yes, death is real and we all experience it but as Randy Alcorn puts it in his book on HEAVEN, death is a transition to much greater things for the followers of Jesus Christ. We will live forever with Holy Dad, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and all of the believers who have trusted in Jesus. It is going to be a great life absent of bad behavior, evil and death!! Praises to Jesus!! Thank You Holy Dad for your awesome, life-changing gift.
So friend, go ahead and enjoy Halloween but do it in a way that Jesus would be proud of you.
Happy Halloween to all, Wynndy
Friday, October 21, 2011
Self-Control, Self-Responsibility
Folks, it's a chilly 45 degrees here in Boone, NC and I am feeling it. Yesterday the temperature hoovered in the 40's. I think it hoovered there because of the cloud cover. Not once did the sun shine. But today is a new and sun-shinny day and I will probably enjoy warmth created by the sun--yes! I love the sun and I love the warmth it puts out.
Why do I love the sun so much? I love the light. It is a pure light. Colors look more intense under its brightness. The sun provides warmth to my cold skin. The sun just makes me happy. I open up the blinds as soon as I can in the mornings just to see it. There is another reason I love the sun and it's an invisible reason--it provides us with vitamin d, that is if we are exposed to it.
I really do and truly love the sun. I get up around 6:30 and await its rising each morning. But after writing that last paragraph, especially the invisible part, my thoughts went to my love of another Son. Of course this is Jesus. Jesus is light. John 8:12 (MSG): Jesus once again addressed them: "I am the world's Light. No one who follows Me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in." Key words in this verse: who follows Me, and I provide. Jesus promises to give us believers in Christ a light for our lives. We don't have to question "what am I doing here?, why did this happen to me?, etc. Follow Jesus closely and you'll have answers to those questions. Jesus is warmth. I think of love when I feel warmth. John 3:16 (MSG) lovingly tells us of His warmth--This is how much God loved the world: He gave His Son, His one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in Him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life." Friend, God and Jesus love you. They love you very much! In order to feel the warm fuzzies you have to trustingly believe in them. And look what you get: a whole and lasting life, not a crazy, chaotic mess of a life. And Jesus makes me happy! John 15:11 (MSG) I've told you these things for a purpose: that My joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. My friend, He shares His joy with us but there is a twist. Joy wholly mature. How does one get joy wholly mature? You get it by being serious about your pursuit of Jesus and trustingly believe all He tells you. And what about the invisible part? John 14: 26-27 (MSG) The Friend, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send at My request, will make everything plain to you. He will remind you of all the things I have told you. I'm leaving you well and whole. That's my parting gift to you. Peace. I don't leave you the way you're used to being left--feeling abandoned, bereft. So don't be upset. Don't be distraught. The Holy Spirit living inside of us enriches us alot like Vitamin D but better and with more effectiveness. If you ever wanted to know the truth or to hear clarity--Holy Spirit is right there with you. Call on Him, He'll answer. Haven't you always wanted to be well and whole--He's living in you--you've got the source!
So why don't alot of us experience "The Light"? John 3:19(MSG) answers the question this way: "This is the crisis we're in: God-light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness because they were not really interested in pleasing God." Uh-oh. Does that sound familiar? If you're not interested in pleasing God then you are not fully and trustingly believing in Him.
But what if you feel like you are interested in pleasing God but can't see the Light? Verse 20 says this about you: Everyone who makes a practice of doing evil, addicted to denial and illusion, hates God-light and won't come near it, fearing a painful exposure." Will you at least admit that you are afraid of what the light will expose? If you won't admit to that then you are truly addicted to denial, yes, denial and illusion. You lie to yourself. You have bought into Satan's lies as well. And that causes you to do bad behavior. Think long and hard about this one because I really want you to see the Light.
One area we can deal with and shine light on is being too sensitive to others emotions. The problem is we receive their negative emotions personally when in actuality they were not even considering us. They have problelms of their own that they are consumed with. And there is the familiar saying "hurting people hurt people." If we are healed from ultra-sensitivity to others emotions then we may be able to help them--at least know about what area to pray for them.
21 Day Journal Note # 15
How not to be Offended by Others
1 Corinthians 10:33 (GWT) I don't think about what would be good for me but about what would be good for many people so that they might be saved.
Proverbs 17:22 (NLT) A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength.
God, You have given me the ability to be sensistive to the emotions and body languages of others. You have given me this ability to help them, not hurt me. I refuse to sabotage myself with their pain, but seek ways to help them.
end of journal note.
I hope this blog has shinned a light on who Jesus is and what He does, and that He does it for you!! Ask Holy Dad to help you trustingly believe in Jesus. He'll help you, but you've got to mean it, really mean it.
Enjoy the sunshine today!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Why do I love the sun so much? I love the light. It is a pure light. Colors look more intense under its brightness. The sun provides warmth to my cold skin. The sun just makes me happy. I open up the blinds as soon as I can in the mornings just to see it. There is another reason I love the sun and it's an invisible reason--it provides us with vitamin d, that is if we are exposed to it.
I really do and truly love the sun. I get up around 6:30 and await its rising each morning. But after writing that last paragraph, especially the invisible part, my thoughts went to my love of another Son. Of course this is Jesus. Jesus is light. John 8:12 (MSG): Jesus once again addressed them: "I am the world's Light. No one who follows Me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in." Key words in this verse: who follows Me, and I provide. Jesus promises to give us believers in Christ a light for our lives. We don't have to question "what am I doing here?, why did this happen to me?, etc. Follow Jesus closely and you'll have answers to those questions. Jesus is warmth. I think of love when I feel warmth. John 3:16 (MSG) lovingly tells us of His warmth--This is how much God loved the world: He gave His Son, His one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in Him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life." Friend, God and Jesus love you. They love you very much! In order to feel the warm fuzzies you have to trustingly believe in them. And look what you get: a whole and lasting life, not a crazy, chaotic mess of a life. And Jesus makes me happy! John 15:11 (MSG) I've told you these things for a purpose: that My joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. My friend, He shares His joy with us but there is a twist. Joy wholly mature. How does one get joy wholly mature? You get it by being serious about your pursuit of Jesus and trustingly believe all He tells you. And what about the invisible part? John 14: 26-27 (MSG) The Friend, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send at My request, will make everything plain to you. He will remind you of all the things I have told you. I'm leaving you well and whole. That's my parting gift to you. Peace. I don't leave you the way you're used to being left--feeling abandoned, bereft. So don't be upset. Don't be distraught. The Holy Spirit living inside of us enriches us alot like Vitamin D but better and with more effectiveness. If you ever wanted to know the truth or to hear clarity--Holy Spirit is right there with you. Call on Him, He'll answer. Haven't you always wanted to be well and whole--He's living in you--you've got the source!
So why don't alot of us experience "The Light"? John 3:19(MSG) answers the question this way: "This is the crisis we're in: God-light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness because they were not really interested in pleasing God." Uh-oh. Does that sound familiar? If you're not interested in pleasing God then you are not fully and trustingly believing in Him.
But what if you feel like you are interested in pleasing God but can't see the Light? Verse 20 says this about you: Everyone who makes a practice of doing evil, addicted to denial and illusion, hates God-light and won't come near it, fearing a painful exposure." Will you at least admit that you are afraid of what the light will expose? If you won't admit to that then you are truly addicted to denial, yes, denial and illusion. You lie to yourself. You have bought into Satan's lies as well. And that causes you to do bad behavior. Think long and hard about this one because I really want you to see the Light.
One area we can deal with and shine light on is being too sensitive to others emotions. The problem is we receive their negative emotions personally when in actuality they were not even considering us. They have problelms of their own that they are consumed with. And there is the familiar saying "hurting people hurt people." If we are healed from ultra-sensitivity to others emotions then we may be able to help them--at least know about what area to pray for them.
21 Day Journal Note # 15
How not to be Offended by Others
1 Corinthians 10:33 (GWT) I don't think about what would be good for me but about what would be good for many people so that they might be saved.
Proverbs 17:22 (NLT) A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength.
God, You have given me the ability to be sensistive to the emotions and body languages of others. You have given me this ability to help them, not hurt me. I refuse to sabotage myself with their pain, but seek ways to help them.
end of journal note.
I hope this blog has shinned a light on who Jesus is and what He does, and that He does it for you!! Ask Holy Dad to help you trustingly believe in Jesus. He'll help you, but you've got to mean it, really mean it.
Enjoy the sunshine today!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Friday, October 14, 2011
Good Day? Bad Day?
Happy golden fall day to you all!! How are you doing today? Hope you are having a great day and ready to celebrate something this weekend. If you are not having a good day I ask that you find something out of it to thank the Lord for and give Him your trust for the situation. Bathing everything with thanksgiving grows your trust in Him. Hearing you own voice (or inner voice) thanking His increases your trust abilities.
If your day (or life) is a mess consider that you do not yet know the outcome. Romans 8:28 (MSG) assures: "That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good." This "something good" happens because of our love for God. Our love for God is the foundation of our lives. When we love God every detail of our lives is important and cared for. We can be sure of this because we love God.
Are you having relationship problems with someone? Look at what God says in Colossians 3:13 (NCV): "Get along with each other, and forgive each other. If someone does wrong to you, forgive that person because the Lord forgave you." This one is self-explanatory but I want to expound on it. Pray, Pray, Pray for you and that person. I have a specific prayer for you to pray. And remember, this is for you and the other. Mark 12:30,31 (combined versions): "Love the Lord your God with all your heart/passion, soul/prayer life, mind/intellect and strength/energies. Love others as much as you love yourself." If you are ever stuck with knowing how to pray for someone--this is the most important thing to pray for. I encourage you to pray this prayer over your mate, your children, your parents, coworkers, fellow church goers, etc. Your pastor even needs this prayer prayed over him.
When a person loves God with totality the possiblities are endless. This is when supernatual happens, unexpected blessings flow, surprises come out of left field. Your whole world is colored differently. Then you start living on purpose. You start cleaning out bad behavior from your life. Take a look at Hebrews 9:14 (NCV): " How much more is done by the blood of Christ. He offered Himself through the eternal Spirit as a perfect sarifice to God. His blood will make our consciences pure from useless acts so we may serve the living God." Life starts to feel right--and you've never felt that way before.
In case you haven't started memorizing 20 core verses I suggest Mark 12:30-31 and Hebrews 9:14 as number one and number two. They are #1 and #2 on my list and I recite them almost every night as I fall asleep. They are deeply embedded in my psyche. Talk about healing from God's word--these will do it.
Now own to more healing. For new readers: I have experienced relational healing from God's word by hand-writing scripture and journal notes once a day x 21 days, hense the 21 Day Journal Notes. Writing these out for 21 days rewires your brain and replaces the wrong info from your subconcious that has been fed to it for years. It really works. Other 21 Day Journal Notes are on previous blogs. Check them out to see if they fit your situatiion.
21 Day Journal Note # 14
Don't Beat Up Yourself!
Romans 8:1 (GWT) So those who are believers in Christ Jesus can no longer be condemned.
I refuse to beat up myself and others for when I mess up. Jesus has already taken the beating.
Thank You Jesus for the price You have already paid. Thank You that I am not charged for this wonderful act of love.
end of journal note.
Remember the verse at the beginning of today's blog about forgiving? That applies to yourself as well. So stop beating up yourself.
News about the leaves: one fellow camper described the mountain-side that we are so fortunate to look at every day as a bowl full of jelly beans. I thought it way a cute was to look at it. Another camper was on top of his motorhome sweeping off the leaves. I can guarentee that you will not find me on top of our camper sweeping it off. If Keevin wants it done--he can do it. And the best leaf sighting was this morning. My eye caught the sight of a leaf as it fell from high up and slowly floated down to the ground. It seemed to take its time as it sorta swayed back and forth. It felt like it was moving in slow motion so that I could enjoy the journey of the leaf. Isn't God good!
You may be new to the blog and wondering "where in the world is she and why is she there?" My husband, Keevin, and I felt God calling us to Boone, NC to start a new church, so we packed up and moved here. We are living in our camper until we can move into a rental property. Hopefully then we will have space to invite folks over to study, worship and fellowship with each other. I am praying that this new group of people will love God with our totality and if they don't yet--hope to influence them toward God.
And I hope to influence anyone who reads this blog to become so confident God's way that you attract people to God by they way you act.
Enjoy the fall weather! Have a great weekend and work on those relationships!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
If your day (or life) is a mess consider that you do not yet know the outcome. Romans 8:28 (MSG) assures: "That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good." This "something good" happens because of our love for God. Our love for God is the foundation of our lives. When we love God every detail of our lives is important and cared for. We can be sure of this because we love God.
Are you having relationship problems with someone? Look at what God says in Colossians 3:13 (NCV): "Get along with each other, and forgive each other. If someone does wrong to you, forgive that person because the Lord forgave you." This one is self-explanatory but I want to expound on it. Pray, Pray, Pray for you and that person. I have a specific prayer for you to pray. And remember, this is for you and the other. Mark 12:30,31 (combined versions): "Love the Lord your God with all your heart/passion, soul/prayer life, mind/intellect and strength/energies. Love others as much as you love yourself." If you are ever stuck with knowing how to pray for someone--this is the most important thing to pray for. I encourage you to pray this prayer over your mate, your children, your parents, coworkers, fellow church goers, etc. Your pastor even needs this prayer prayed over him.
When a person loves God with totality the possiblities are endless. This is when supernatual happens, unexpected blessings flow, surprises come out of left field. Your whole world is colored differently. Then you start living on purpose. You start cleaning out bad behavior from your life. Take a look at Hebrews 9:14 (NCV): " How much more is done by the blood of Christ. He offered Himself through the eternal Spirit as a perfect sarifice to God. His blood will make our consciences pure from useless acts so we may serve the living God." Life starts to feel right--and you've never felt that way before.
In case you haven't started memorizing 20 core verses I suggest Mark 12:30-31 and Hebrews 9:14 as number one and number two. They are #1 and #2 on my list and I recite them almost every night as I fall asleep. They are deeply embedded in my psyche. Talk about healing from God's word--these will do it.
Now own to more healing. For new readers: I have experienced relational healing from God's word by hand-writing scripture and journal notes once a day x 21 days, hense the 21 Day Journal Notes. Writing these out for 21 days rewires your brain and replaces the wrong info from your subconcious that has been fed to it for years. It really works. Other 21 Day Journal Notes are on previous blogs. Check them out to see if they fit your situatiion.
21 Day Journal Note # 14
Don't Beat Up Yourself!
Romans 8:1 (GWT) So those who are believers in Christ Jesus can no longer be condemned.
I refuse to beat up myself and others for when I mess up. Jesus has already taken the beating.
Thank You Jesus for the price You have already paid. Thank You that I am not charged for this wonderful act of love.
end of journal note.
Remember the verse at the beginning of today's blog about forgiving? That applies to yourself as well. So stop beating up yourself.
News about the leaves: one fellow camper described the mountain-side that we are so fortunate to look at every day as a bowl full of jelly beans. I thought it way a cute was to look at it. Another camper was on top of his motorhome sweeping off the leaves. I can guarentee that you will not find me on top of our camper sweeping it off. If Keevin wants it done--he can do it. And the best leaf sighting was this morning. My eye caught the sight of a leaf as it fell from high up and slowly floated down to the ground. It seemed to take its time as it sorta swayed back and forth. It felt like it was moving in slow motion so that I could enjoy the journey of the leaf. Isn't God good!
You may be new to the blog and wondering "where in the world is she and why is she there?" My husband, Keevin, and I felt God calling us to Boone, NC to start a new church, so we packed up and moved here. We are living in our camper until we can move into a rental property. Hopefully then we will have space to invite folks over to study, worship and fellowship with each other. I am praying that this new group of people will love God with our totality and if they don't yet--hope to influence them toward God.
And I hope to influence anyone who reads this blog to become so confident God's way that you attract people to God by they way you act.
Enjoy the fall weather! Have a great weekend and work on those relationships!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
Friday, October 7, 2011
Ever-changing creation
A very cheery howdy to all!! This is another gorgeous day that Holy Dad has given us. Thank You Holy Dad!!
I am looking out my windows this very second and am inspired by the golden oranges, yellows and reds on the mountain sides. It is beautiful. I am so honored to be here and soak in the wonderfulness of God's landscape. It is His landscape. It is His sky. It is His season. It is His sunshine or rain (whichever is happening in your area). Everything belongs to Him. He just allows us to manage whatever He has placed in our care--so take really good care of it.
A couple of days ago Rocky (my dog) and I took a walk down the road. I was getting bored with the same old walk in the campground so down the highway we went. These are country roads so there wasn't too much traffic. I was enjoying the newer view of the mountains when I was pleasantly surprised at what was around the curve. There was a driveway leading into the cutest little farm. The way it was decorated was so inviting. Orange pumpkins dotted the driveway and sidewalk to the home. At first I thought the house was a barn (and it may have been in another life) but it was a rustic-looking house. A row of pine trees lined the side of the road. The limbs had been cropped off on up high and attached to every trunk were birdhouses--soooo cute! And then walking past the next barn/apt on top- building was a pond. A pond with ducks. And this pond has a little pier with two adirondack chairs for sitting and relaxing. On the other side of the pond is a fountain type thing so that one can sit and enjoy the flowing water sound. Rocky and I just stood around and feasted our eyes and imaginations for quite a while. He enjoyed the ducks and I mentally enjoyed sitting in one of those chairs. You know, it may not be my farm but God allowed me to be refreshed by this pleasant surprise. I went back to the camper energized and Rocky had plenty of exercise and excitement. God is good!
I think that this may be the peak weekend to view the color changes of the leaves. If it isn't then next weekend for sure. I can sense God's awesomeness just by looking at His ever-changing creation. And friend, you are part of His ever-changing creation. Think about it. Your life has seasons. Babyhood, childhood, teenagehood and adulthood. Even adulthood has different seasons. Young adult, middleage and senior years. The adult years also pose other possiblities of change such as singleness, married life, parental responsibilities, caring for aging parents and retirement life. And there are other events: staying at home, school, carreer, vacations and back to stay at home with retirement age. Did you ever think about life being so un-boring? Some of us feel like we have a boring, stagnant life but actuallly we don't. It only feels that way because of faulty thinking. Others of us feel like we have a chaotic life--and maybe we do. Who can control that? Ah, yes, that would be me. But I like having my life controled and directed by God, the author of ever-changing seasons. He has the best transitions. Life is more enjoyable His way.
There is another part of life that is ever-changing. Can you guess what it is? It is our spiritual life. Our spiritual life grows, matures and enriches us. But consider this, we can get stuck in a phase of spiritual life. Take a look at 1 Corinthians 3: 1-3 (NLT): "Dear brothers and sisters, when I was with you I couldn't talk to you as I would to mature Christians. I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in the Christian life. I had to feed you with milk and not with solid food, because you couldn't handle anything stronger. And you still aren't ready, for you are still controlled by your own sinful desires. you are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn't that prove you are controlled by your own desires? You are acting like people who don't belong to the Lord." The question to ask yourself is: do I still look like the world, laughing at dirty jokes, making fun of people, bullying, taking a pack of paper home from work, thinking sexually about a member of the opposite sex, etc. These actions not only hold you in infancy but are visible by outsiders (non-followers of Christ). Holy Dad is dissappointed and saddend by your lack of love for Him. When we obey the most important command to love God with our total being these kinds of actions are not even considered. So, if you are stuck in infancy, what are you missing out on? A life of love and peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and the all important self-control. You may recognize these confidence elements from Galatians 5: 22-23.
Now on to our 21 day journal note. This one helped me to get un-stuck. At a not-to-distant time ago (before God's word healed me) I would find myself in a confrontation fully knowing that I was in the right but being unable to express myself clearly and confidently. My mind would freeze up in these tense situations. But now I find that I am less stressed and have a clarity of thinking when I need to stand up for the right thing. If you are brave enough to admit to a similar predicament then I challenge you to write this 21 day note once a day for 21 days to free yourself. Take it from me--it feels wonderful. I am no longer afraid of these situations.
21 Day Journal Note # 13
Fear of Rejection?
2 Timothy 1:7 (combined versions) God did not give me a spirit of fear/timidity, but He gave me a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline/sound mind.
My fear of future relational pain is from Satan. I refuse to feel this unnecessary fear. I have God's power and love infused in me. I have God's sound mind to think rationally and calmly when in the middle of being relationally challenged. I have self-discipline to use all of God' wonderful gifts and promises. Future relational pain will sting but I will not be devastated.
end of note.
Precious friend, enjoy the changing of your seasons, and please by all means change!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
I am looking out my windows this very second and am inspired by the golden oranges, yellows and reds on the mountain sides. It is beautiful. I am so honored to be here and soak in the wonderfulness of God's landscape. It is His landscape. It is His sky. It is His season. It is His sunshine or rain (whichever is happening in your area). Everything belongs to Him. He just allows us to manage whatever He has placed in our care--so take really good care of it.
A couple of days ago Rocky (my dog) and I took a walk down the road. I was getting bored with the same old walk in the campground so down the highway we went. These are country roads so there wasn't too much traffic. I was enjoying the newer view of the mountains when I was pleasantly surprised at what was around the curve. There was a driveway leading into the cutest little farm. The way it was decorated was so inviting. Orange pumpkins dotted the driveway and sidewalk to the home. At first I thought the house was a barn (and it may have been in another life) but it was a rustic-looking house. A row of pine trees lined the side of the road. The limbs had been cropped off on up high and attached to every trunk were birdhouses--soooo cute! And then walking past the next barn/apt on top- building was a pond. A pond with ducks. And this pond has a little pier with two adirondack chairs for sitting and relaxing. On the other side of the pond is a fountain type thing so that one can sit and enjoy the flowing water sound. Rocky and I just stood around and feasted our eyes and imaginations for quite a while. He enjoyed the ducks and I mentally enjoyed sitting in one of those chairs. You know, it may not be my farm but God allowed me to be refreshed by this pleasant surprise. I went back to the camper energized and Rocky had plenty of exercise and excitement. God is good!
I think that this may be the peak weekend to view the color changes of the leaves. If it isn't then next weekend for sure. I can sense God's awesomeness just by looking at His ever-changing creation. And friend, you are part of His ever-changing creation. Think about it. Your life has seasons. Babyhood, childhood, teenagehood and adulthood. Even adulthood has different seasons. Young adult, middleage and senior years. The adult years also pose other possiblities of change such as singleness, married life, parental responsibilities, caring for aging parents and retirement life. And there are other events: staying at home, school, carreer, vacations and back to stay at home with retirement age. Did you ever think about life being so un-boring? Some of us feel like we have a boring, stagnant life but actuallly we don't. It only feels that way because of faulty thinking. Others of us feel like we have a chaotic life--and maybe we do. Who can control that? Ah, yes, that would be me. But I like having my life controled and directed by God, the author of ever-changing seasons. He has the best transitions. Life is more enjoyable His way.
There is another part of life that is ever-changing. Can you guess what it is? It is our spiritual life. Our spiritual life grows, matures and enriches us. But consider this, we can get stuck in a phase of spiritual life. Take a look at 1 Corinthians 3: 1-3 (NLT): "Dear brothers and sisters, when I was with you I couldn't talk to you as I would to mature Christians. I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in the Christian life. I had to feed you with milk and not with solid food, because you couldn't handle anything stronger. And you still aren't ready, for you are still controlled by your own sinful desires. you are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn't that prove you are controlled by your own desires? You are acting like people who don't belong to the Lord." The question to ask yourself is: do I still look like the world, laughing at dirty jokes, making fun of people, bullying, taking a pack of paper home from work, thinking sexually about a member of the opposite sex, etc. These actions not only hold you in infancy but are visible by outsiders (non-followers of Christ). Holy Dad is dissappointed and saddend by your lack of love for Him. When we obey the most important command to love God with our total being these kinds of actions are not even considered. So, if you are stuck in infancy, what are you missing out on? A life of love and peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and the all important self-control. You may recognize these confidence elements from Galatians 5: 22-23.
Now on to our 21 day journal note. This one helped me to get un-stuck. At a not-to-distant time ago (before God's word healed me) I would find myself in a confrontation fully knowing that I was in the right but being unable to express myself clearly and confidently. My mind would freeze up in these tense situations. But now I find that I am less stressed and have a clarity of thinking when I need to stand up for the right thing. If you are brave enough to admit to a similar predicament then I challenge you to write this 21 day note once a day for 21 days to free yourself. Take it from me--it feels wonderful. I am no longer afraid of these situations.
21 Day Journal Note # 13
Fear of Rejection?
2 Timothy 1:7 (combined versions) God did not give me a spirit of fear/timidity, but He gave me a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline/sound mind.
My fear of future relational pain is from Satan. I refuse to feel this unnecessary fear. I have God's power and love infused in me. I have God's sound mind to think rationally and calmly when in the middle of being relationally challenged. I have self-discipline to use all of God' wonderful gifts and promises. Future relational pain will sting but I will not be devastated.
end of note.
Precious friend, enjoy the changing of your seasons, and please by all means change!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
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