Happy Memorial Day Weekend to you all!! Some of you will be having cookouts. Some will take a short trip. Some will spend the time remembering those who have and those who still serve our country. Some will spend it like an ordinary weekend. But you have to admit anytime the calendar is marked with a national holiday there is excitement in the air. You can see it at Walmart. Red, white and blue stuff all over the store. Cookout supplies on sale. So, take advantage of the air of excitement and manage to have some fun.
Last Saturday my husband and I made an announcement to our two grown children and Sunday we went up before our church and shared the news with them. We will be moving to Boone, NC later this year. The reason for the move is totally God. In 1992 while on a family camping trip Keevin asked me "what would you think if God was calling me to preach?" I replied, "I wouldn't be surprised." I always had an inner feeling that I would be married to a minister. We made a bold move and packed up everything and moved to Nashville, TN where he attended FreeWill Baptist Bible College. That was 1993. Burn-out soon came after a year of full-time school, full-time employement, and part-time youth ministry. Somthing had to go and school was it. He went to school upon advisement from our former pastor. But was it God's advisement?
Over the years we made bold moves, served in youth ministry positions, taught Sunday School, started Awana programs, etc. Keevin, however was always dissatisfied. Always restless. His self-esteem suffered.
Perhaps Keevin observed my joy in discovering my writing talents and using it for the Lord. You see, my husband has an extraordinary talent to speak. He is very gifted with communicating God's message verbally. In fact, God knew that he didn't need schooling to do what he already possessed within himself--God's gift. We all have God's gift. They are just different gifts.
2011. 19 years later, still unsettled, Keevin approached God and asked Him "what do you want me to do? I am willing to go wherever, do whatever, whenever You direct me." Keevin felt that he never fulfilled the role of pastorship that he was called to do. So he asked God for signs of where. The signs pointed to Boone, NC. He asked again. Again, the signs pointed to Boone, NC. And I think he asked again, maybe six times. Each time pointed to Boone, NC. Keevin grew up within an hour of Boone in Spruce Pine, NC and my family vacationed there often during my childhood--so we know the area. We know that jobs are hard to find. Winters are cold. Seasonal-touristy. But that is the place God has called us to. And that is where we will go. We have had so many confirmations from God since the initial pointing that we know for a fact Boone is the place and now is the time and a new church plant is the what. All of those "availabilities" have been answered.
I have to tell you that as scary as the change maybe--it is exhilarating. I am seeing a new and confident Keevin. Things feel right. When was the last time you could say that "things felt right?" When was the last time you saw a "new and confident husband"? And the adventure of it all gives stimulation to the marriage creating a new type of bonding--one fit for the next season of our lives together. " How can I come to the place where I can hear God?" I hope you are asking that question because I am going to answer it--at least the way that God has worked in my life.
A few of us church ladies meet in my home for a Beth Moore Bible study (Breaking Free) on Thursday nights. Last night after watching the dvd, we lingered and talked about everything that was new with each of us ladies. One thing led to another and we found ourselves discussing the times when we feel God is not answering us. I shared with my lady friends that since I have been journaling to Him and being opened to Him that it seems I always get an answer. One of my friends made the comment that sin blocks our answers from God. Which then brought to my mind that I have an unusual comfort in asking God to reveal the areas in my life that need changing. Asking this would normally scare a person but I have a strong inner desire for a much better life and for some strange reason I am not afraid of the truth. I welcome the truth. And I know that this is not what women normally gravitate towards. But I do. I thank the Lord for His courange inside of me.
So, I'm thinking that being opened to the Holy Spirit to change the areas that I need to and developing a system (my 21 day journal notes) has brought about changes--healing--stopping a sin. I find this way of life very comforting.
Beth Moore used a portion of scripture in the Bible study last night that I thought would be appropriate for today's blog. Friend, take it to your heart and use it very wisely, but do use it!! Here it is--Matthew 11:28-30 (NCV): Jesus is saying to us "Come to Me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Accept My teachings and learn from Me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives. The teaching that I ask you to accept is easy; the load I give you to carry is light." And (The Message): "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
I find it very hard to explain how doing life my way is not fulfilling even though one would think I know best how to live my life and the fact is doing life God's way brings comfort, quietness and confidence in one's life. One of my all-time favorite Bible truths is Isaiah 32:17 (NIV): "The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever." Doing life the right way, God's way, produces peace and rest from a weary, stressed life. Living God's way feels confident and done in a quiet way---and don't forget the "forever" part.!!
Well, friend, I've laid out the plan I use. You have the true word of God. Confience can happen. Choose it and live lavishly in it!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
P.S. No matter where I am I will continue this blog as long as it is God's plan for me. Stay tuned.