Hey there, my blogger friends!! I hope you enjoyed a long, patriotic weekend ending with glorious, explosive fireworks. Aren't fireworks fun? Whether you are the operator of the display or one totally enjoying it--it is an event full of thrill.
Those types of times seem to be the ones we live for. We like one thrill after the other. We like a thrill that is bigger than the last one. Do you agree? Although there is nothing wrong with enjoying a thrill--having an unsatiable appetite for something big and explosive can cause you to be a miserable person. Are you that miserable person? Are you never satisfied? Are you trying to prove to someone that you have worth?
And then there is the person who stays put inside and doesn't venture out to enjoy our patriotic displays. This person doesn't have feelings toward anything. A stale life--but yet his life feels safe to him. Safe but very dull. No energy. No purpose. No worth. Could this be you?
My personal ministry passion is to help people find healing, to forgive and be forgiven and to grow. But in order to do this one must recognize where they are. Do you like the big, explosive thrills or do you stay inside where it seems safe? The best place to be is in the middle. This is called living a balanced, normal life. If you are not living in the middle--would you decide at this very moment to discover your new, balanced life? You may choose to live in your explosive world. You may choose to live in your lonely, isolated world. Or you may be ready for the middle ground and have been for a long time but didn't know how to get there from here. Follow me, my friend!
Lately, when I have been in the firing range of an angered individual (and other undesired emotions) I have been able (not even trying) to remain cool and level headed allowing me to respond confidently and calmly, actually stepping back emotionally. Now, this is a fairly new experience for me. Talking about the thrill of victory!! In the not so distant past I would have received the anger in a personal way, become frozen and be unable to think and say the things that needed to be said. I would not have been able to realize that the angered person is the one with the problem. I thought I had provoked it. Now here's another thrill--since this new way of reacting has happened I have been reading what Christian psychology authors suggest--and guess what? It is to react the way I automatically did--without even knowing their advise. But I have to say that reacting the way I did recently toward anger was not possible prior to me being healed by God's word. Are you with me? Do you want to know more? This can be your new life, too! It is real and possible and not very hard to accomplish.
So, on with the story. I had a conversation with God telling Him of my wishes to not be so ultra-sensitive to others emotions. At that time I seemed to stay in a tiz. My anxieties were always kicking in and keeping me revved up. That type of treatment wears a physical body down. I knew God's word said not to have anxieties but for the life of me I could not get His word to stick. Well, God answered my request. There was a week that each day of that week I heard about journaling from different media sources--TV, radio, magazine, etc. I heard it but it didn't sink in that it was God was telling me this until the end of that very week. I found my Sunday School teacher encouraging us ladies to journal to God. "Ok", I said to God. "I hear You and will start it tomorrow." So, I did. I bought a couple of 5-subject composition notebooks and began writing to Him. I found myself writing about my quandries to Him. As I did this scripture would pop into my mind. They were mostly verses from the 20 core memory truths I have instilled in me. I would match them up with my particular problem and write about them. At about the same time I was reading a wonderful book authored by Dr. Caroline Leaf. She is a Christian neurologist who explains how thought processes work and how the brain works. I got my idea of 21 day journaling from her teaching because she explained that it takes 21 days of hand writing God's word to rewire our faulty thinking in our brain. One by one, I tackled and journaled lots of bad areas in my life. I must say that I am well pleased with the results.
Look at what God's word says about journaling: Deuteronomy 6:6-9 (NLT): "And you must commit yourselves whole heartedly to these commands I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again. Tie them to your hands as a reminder, and wear them on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." See, Holy Dad wants us to journal His words to Him. And getting them seeped into our pyche helps us to automatically react the correct way--His way!! It really works.
So blogger friend, my plan is to share one journal note at a time that has helped me. Hopefully you will get the hang of it and write your own for personal spiritual investment. Just remember that these are to be handwritten once a day x 21 days. You'll feel a difference after the 4th day but be sure to continue to the 21st day to acheive full effect. This treatment does not take much time or effort and it reaps big healing rewards.
#1 Relationships
Mark 12:30-31 (MSG) Jesus said, love the Lord God with all of your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy. Love others as well as you love yourself. There is no other commandment that ranks with these.
I willingly choose to love You, O God, with my whole being. My desire for You is great. I talk freely and comfortably with You about everything. I will constantly learn more aout You and the things You want me to do. I am actively obeying Your word as it leads me to the life You created me to have. I am thriving in the love You have for me. I will no longer feel guilty for loving myself. It is so refreshing to know that You created me to love. By allowing myself to feel love for me--my heart is healed. My healed heart is able to love others. Thank You so much!!
End of journal note.
Invest in these heart words my friend!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy