Happy Friday the 13th to all! Aren't Fridays good! A bit of excitement is in the air as folks wind down their work week and look forward to free personal time and fun. What do you have planned? Search your mind for something you are thankful for and celebrate it this weekend.
Just floating along in life accepting whatever comes up can yield unsatisfying results. I strongly urge you to put some effort into your life and mold it into a pleasurable experience. Building up on the relationship you have with Holy Dad ensures a more satisfying feeling. He meets needs. He heals wounded hearts. He gives guidance. And He provides companionship with His presence. You'll be amazed at how He pops up when you make time to talk to Him and listen to His word.
Sitting up straight in your chair boosts your confidence and thoughts. It also makes you look more confident. Holy Dad wants you looking and feeling this way because you can attract folks to Jesus.
Work at keeping your hands off your face. Popping your nuckles is also a nervous feature that detracts from a positive, confident you. Mark these on your day planner to work on and be committed to present a better you for Jesus.
People like being around positiveness. One way to create that persona is to search for things to be thankful for. I especially like being thankful for small, seemingly nonsignificant things because without small things life would not be as pleasant.
And now to tell you what I am thankful for: Keevin and I have appointments tomorrow to tour 2 rental houses. Last weekend we rode around and peeped in the windows of the two houses. I fell in love with one but the other one, a close contender, fits more comfortably in our budget. Either way, God is good to us and we want to serve Him with the new home. I will be especially excited to move out of our lovely camper. The wind blew last night gigling the camper a little.
This past week I spent time writing a chapter for my book "Comfortable in My Own Skin." The chapter I worked on was one dealing with self-responsiblity. I came across a verse that binds my house hunting with management of self. Proverbs 25:28 (MSG): "A person without self-control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out." Look around your home. Imagine all the doors and windows knocked out. You would be extremely cold because most ot the U.S. has snow and frigid temperatures. Do you feel vunerable with the exposure to the world? And you should for good reasons. Satan loves it when you give him a way into your life to stir up trouble for you. Trouble for you means non-attraction to Jesus. So you find yourself cold and vunerable. Now what do you do? Mark a certain time on your dayplanner to meet with God every day. Commit to talking to Him and listenig to His word. He provide fresh, new doors and windows. He'll warm you up and help you with the trouble you find yourself in.
You may find yourself criticizing the situation and feeling very negative about it. Consider 1 John 3:20 (MSG): "It's also the way to shut down debilitating self-criticism, even when there is something to it. For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves." See, God doesn't want you in that criticizing frame of mind. Do you wonder what "the way to shut down" these feelings is? Well let's look at vs 19 (MSG): "My dear children, let's not just talk about love; let's practice real love. This is the only way we'll know we're living truly, living in God's reality." Practice loving God with your total being and energies, then you'll experience a great life. Don't you love the way Holy Dad speaks tenderly to us--even when we have messed up?
Oh, yeah. What about the mess? He's here to help us with it. Yes, we have to face the consequences of our bad actions but He has forgiven us and wants to provide another way of looking at our mess. Romans 8:28 (MSG): "That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good." My friend, it only works if He knows you love Him. I advise you to work on that area of your life. It'll make it a good life!
Are you sick and tired of your life? 21 Day Journal Note # 27 deals with this feeling.
21 Day Journal Note # 27
Sick and Tired
What am I sick and tired of? What is causing my fatigue and physical symptoms? What would help me? I am drawn to ladies who encourage and cheer me on to become the best me that I can be--but they aren't always available. What am I to do? Don't fear! Jesus is here! Jesus is asking in Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG): "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me. And you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
As I recognize fatigue and sickness I will ask Jesus to reveal the source. Then I will follow the plan that Jesus lays out for me. Life flowing forward will be wonderful. Light and free living! Thank You Jesus!!
end of journal note. Hand write it once a day x 21 days to rewire your brain. Freedom and Light is yours!!
Close the doors and windows but open the curtains, my friend.
Jesus' healing and peace to all, Wynndy