Happy Friday to all!! We just love Fridays if we find ourselves off on Saturday and Sunday. It feels like free time, my time. The weekend is time for us to make our own decisions. So what plans do you have for the "your time"?
Sometimes our workweek can be a struggle because we are tired of being told what to do (unless you are the boss). As teenagers, we certainly didn't like the advise (rules) our parents gave us. And then there is the preacher and Sunday School teacher. They don't know my life and what I need. Anger. Frustration. Rebellion. Why am I so miserable around these people? And you know what? We sometimes have the same feelings toward God. Yes, admit it, we do!
Why, why, why. I am ashamed to admit that I rebell against God! But there it is-the truth, my truth. Well, friend, that used to be my truth but since I have been healed by God's word, this is no longer true.
Stll, there is the question of why. Some folks develop resentment because of controlling childhood authorities. Others may have felt invisible and totally unimportant to their parents. Physical, mental and emotional, and sexual abuse lead to bitterness. Unhealthy put-downs by your mom and dad may have caused distrust to authorities. Physical and emotional abandonment causes a disconnect all together with superior figures. If your parents were alcoholic, drug abusers, criminals, absent, divorced, depressed, angry, anxious/worriers, rejectors, etc then your home was no haven. You probably stayed away as much as possible. There are other possible situations that can cause "the why" of our rebellion. Do you claim any of these or is your reason different.
Ok, so we've gotten the big, bad truth out of the way. Whatever your truth is--please deal with it--ask God to help you forgive your authority. Get away from any danger. Ask Holy Dad to help you know why your authority treated you the way he/she did. Chances are you would be willing to forgive and console that person if you knew their past circumstances--but you may never know because they may not want to face their own pain. Sometimes our authorities want to keep uglyiness a secret and for that reaon you may never know the real truth. Just accept the fact that there was a reason for what they did, but it is not excused. Doing wrong is never excused. Consequences are inevitable but it maynot be by you.
Now what? After you are able to face your own ugliness, digest it and deal with it--try to put it up on a shelf as soon as you can and be done with it. I realize if you are just acknowledging some facts you may need time to grieve over it and that is ok but don't get stuck on it. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you with this. He will--just ask Him.
The next thing to realize is that all of that mess you were in is still deep down in your subconcious. Let's help ourselves to get it out and put in God's goodness. Here is journal note #2:
#2 Authorities: Heavenly & Earthly
Ezekiel 36:26-27 (NCV) I will teach you to respect Me completely and I will put a new way of thinking inside of you. I will take out the stubborn hearts of stone from your bodies, and I will give you obedient hearts of flesh. I will put My Spirit inside of you and help you to live by My rules and carefully obey My laws. Ephesians 4:26 (NLT) Don't sin by letting anger control you. Romans 8:28 (MSG) That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
Father, relationships with You and earthly authorities often are not close, intimate and comfortable. However, I am to obey them unless they are not within Biblical guidelines. I will do the right thing by showing respect to them and following their rules I will not allow myself to burst into anger from rebellion. Instead I will listen calmly to the words of my authority. I know that everything is going to be ok. I will forgive my authorities of their offenses and will remember that You, My Lord, have forgiven me of all my offenses. Thank You for healing this area of my life!
End of journal note.
Friend, work this journal note for your healing. Hand write it once a day x 21 days and be free from authority rebellion. You will feel more respect for yourself, as well.
Enjoy the healing.
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy