Friday, August 12, 2011

It really works!!

Happy Friday to all!!  It is a good day because God has graciously given it to us.  Did you have a good week?  What could you do differntly next week for a better outcome?

Keevin and I did not get the camper moved over to our house last weekend because it rained all day on Saturday.  So the plan is to move it tomorrow.  I will be meeting with some lady friends from church in the morning.  We meet once a month to study relationships done God's way.  We call these meetings Front Porch Devotions.  We each bring a dish of food and enjoy the home of one of our friends.  I have been encouraging them to continue their meetings and studies when I am gone as we have grown quite close and loving.  They have assured me that they will.  Lots of healing has taken place around our circle of discussions.  I will dearly miss them.  I also want to encourage you to find or start a group of church friends that you can study and share time with. 

Another milestone happened today.  Keevin turned in his 2 week notice at his workplace.  My husband is a very hard worker and diligent and dependable.  In his resignation letter he explained that God has plans for us--to move to Boone, NC and to start a new church.  His supervisor said that he was going to tell God that he is not happy with His plans, but he understands why Keevin is leaving.  That really made my husband feel good about his reputation.

Well  I have had a nagging worry that is hard for me to explain.  I am having a hard time with the fact that I will be at home in another town, another state than where my children will be at home at.  Maybe it is a mother-thing.  I don't know, I just know that it is an annoying feeling.  So I talked to God about it last night.  But first I want to share a journey with you, then I will picked back up on this story.

A few days ago I was looking up some Bible verses on  Philippians 4: 4-7 (NIV) is # 4 of my 20 core memory truths.  But look at how The Message says it:  "Celebrate God all day, everyday.  I mean revel in Him!  Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you're on their side, working with them and not against them.  Help them see that the Master is about to arrive.  He could show up any minute!  Don't fret or worry.  Instead of worrying, pray.  Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.  Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.  It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."  Isn't that a good one!!  It seemed to say alot to anxieties and what to do when it happens, so I decided to make a 21 day journal note out of it.  But I paraphrased it to personalize it for my future neeeds and started my journaling.

                    21 day Journal note # 6:  Turn Worry into Prayer

Holy Dad, I am celebrating You all day, everyday.  I delight in You.  I find pleasure in You.  I am making it as clear as I can to all I meet that I am on their side, working with them and not against them.  I am helping them to see that the Master is about to arrive.  Jesus, You could show up any minute!  I am not fretting or worrying.  When I first sense worry in my being I will pray.  I will let petitions, and praises, and thanksgivings shape my worries into prayers, letting You, Holy God, know what my concerns are.  Before I know it, a sense of Your wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle me down,  It's wonderful what happens when You, Christ, displaces worry at the center of my life!

end of journal note.

Now, for the rest of the story. So last night I felt a nagging in my mind about leaving the children.  It was at that moment the phrase "when I first sense worry in my being" flashed in my mind.  I immediately talked to God about it.  He assured me that the children are happy with living here as they both have ties to keep them attached.  He also reminded me that He sent His son away to live with us for 33 years and that everything turned out ok.  I thanked Him.

I learned from Dr. Caroline Leaf, a Christian neurologist, that it takes 21 days of journaling God's truth to rewire the brain but that a person will feel the effects on day 4.  As I opened up my journal book this morning I noticed that today's note was day # 5.  I thought to myself "Wow!" and worshipped God for His good provisions to me.  Yes, day 4 of my journal note has helped me but I will continue on until day 21 for the full effects.  The funny thing is I didn't have any real big needs in my life to start this journal note but thought it sounded really good.  God knew that it would be of tremendous help to me for future needs and I am thankful that He showed me His good word.

I assign this journal note to confidence elements:  self-control, gentleness and peace.
I assign this jouranl note to confidence busters:  unnecessary guilt, worry and anxiety, and abandonment (as I don't want my kids to feel that I am abandoning them).

Friends, I want you to continue journaling and healing.  Ask God to help you forgive and be forgiven and grow and serve Him.  Don't miss out on His opportunities!!

Sisterly love to all, Wynndy