The day before Christmas Eve. It seems that the magical time of the year is upon us. Magical. Why does it feel magical? Because Santa Claus is coming to town!! Santa brings us gifts that we have been wishing for and dreaming of all year long. The anticipation of the gift-receiving time builds up the excitement of the great moment. This time of year is also viewed as romantic. A girl hopes to receive a well-meaning gift that proves a young man loves her. Dreams fulfilled. Happiness happening all around. It just doesn't get any better, does it? Or does it?
Tomorrow night Keevin and I will attend a Christmas Eve service at one of the local Baptist churches. For most of our married life we have attended Christmas Eve services and it has become a tradition regardless of where we are. It feels really good, however, when we attend with fellow church members as a family of God. It is the ultimate feeling of unity with a body of folks who all love our Lord Jesus Christ. I read a devotion this morning about not worshipping Baby Jesus. What I want to point out is that I recognize the fact that Jesus had to leave His wonderful life in Heaven, separate Himself from His Father, become a helpless little baby, and start a life as a real human being who had to manage the emotions we do and experience temptations like we do. Thank You Jesus that Your story doesn't end in the manger!! But I recognize my Lord that you did sacrifice alot for us!!
After Keevin and I leave the Christmas Eve service we will head to Blowing Rock, NC which is just 5 miles down the road from Boone. We will drive through town and enjoy the lights that have been so wonderfully displayed. I love the lights. They are bright, festive and give us a great feeling of aliveness. God intends for us to celebrate all aspects of His great plan. We may look up in the sky searching for Rudolph's red nose but our hearts are fixed on Jesus!! It's funny how some folks can't stand the celebration of our season, no matter how you label it (Santa Claus. Jingle Bells, Elfs, etc) because it directs ones attention back to the original reason for happiness. That reason is Jesus, our Lord and Savior
There have always been someone trying to sabotage Jesus Christ's Lordship. In Heaven Satan's pride swelled really big causing him to misjudge his own power and status. Hmmm, do we do that? Well, it got Satan in a lot of trouble. He was thrown out of heaven. Imagine the scene in the sky when it happened. Luke 10:18 (NCV): "Jesus said, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.'" Wow!! I bet his big pride was bruised. Satan is still hot and heavy with his mission to overthrow God's plan. But don't fear because Jesus completed His mission from Baby to Savior on the cross to being raised from the dead and living again as our Lord and Master.
Consider another light. 1 John 1:7 (NLT): "But if we are living in the light of God's presence, just as Christ is, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from every sin." The last part of that verse is very important. Satan wouldn't own up to his sin and pride but you and I can. We can unquestioningly believe that Jesus is who He says He is and did what He did do. Next, own up to your sins. God will help you to deal with them one at a time. Being cleansed from our mess-ups gives us freedom from the guilt we have been carrying around. Being cleansed releases us from the control the sin has on us. Can you feel the peace as you give it up to Christ? You start to glow (light?) for God. Enjoying the company of other believers is a great way to show big thanks and honor to Holy Dad.
And our light leads to other things. 2 Corinthians 4:6 (MSG): "It started when God said, 'Light up the darkness!' and our lives filled up with light as we saw and understood God in the face of Christ, all bright and beautiful." We start shining for Jesus to the ones who live in darkness. Satan spreads darkness. He wants everyone void of God and His goodness. Some folks void of God think they are just fine, but remember what happened to Satan up in Heaven--lightning, but not a good kind.
And our precious God didn't leave us without instructions and helps. Psalm 119:105 (GNT): "Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path." Friend, the Bible may seem boring or hard to understand but take the time to ask Holy Dad questions about the word you are reading. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you through His word. Ask Him to reveal any areas in your life that you may need to deal with and improve. It may seem scary at first but the freedom from guilt and sin-control is worth the peace that you will have--so just do it!!
Now, I know you have experienced being "lighted on" by anger. I call it a verbal explosion. It is very stress inducing and causes all sorts of wrong thinking to happen inside of you. Check out 21 Day Journal Note # 24.
21 Day Journal Note # 24
Verbal Explosion!!
Ephesians 4:31-32 (NLT) Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
BOOM!!! I am being attacked verbally by an angry person who is standing in front of me. My usual response is to freeze my thinking system and run away. My past experience has been that the one projecting their anger on me was placing the blame on me, rejecting me and not accepting my explanation. I misinterpreted their behavior as a sign that I was worthless. Lord, You have taught me that You live inside of me. I am infused with Your words, thoughts, wisdom as well as Your forgiveness and compassion. I recognize that the person standing in front of me is full of problems and misery. His/her harsh words stem from a distorted thinking system. I am pausing and seeking You. You are helping me to remain calm and rational and I am speaking words of wisdom to this wounded person. Thank You Lord for indwelling me.
end of journal note. Friend, this will help you when you find yourself in that very situation. You'll be amazed at how this note and God's words will rise up and give you a solid footing to say what you need to say to the individual in front of you. The spew of harshness and the power that is meant to cripple you will be deflated and left powerless. Handwrite this note once a day for 21 days to rewire your brain. You'll be glad you did when the next verbal explosion happens--and it will.
My friend, ask Holy Dad to help you get through a family get-together, especially if you are fearful of a verbal explosion. These tend to happen during chaotic, stressful times. Holy Dad wants to help you. He doesn't want you to remember this time of year as "bad family times."
Make plans, everyone, to enjoy the lights tomorrow night. And don't forget the star that the 3 wise men and the shepards saw when they searched out for Baby Jesus!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy