Friday, November 18, 2011

Stay Warm!

Mostly everyone is waking up to very cold temperatures this morning.  It was 18 degrees here in Boone, NC.  I have a little electric heater (for supplemlental heat) sitting in front of me.  My feet get really cold so I have on 2 pairs of socks.  Rocky, my dog, is sitting on a warming blanket.  And I have a fresh cup of hot tea in my hands.  The things we do to get warm and stay warm.  I reported on facebook yesterday that it was snowing in our mountainous area.  Others closeby chimed in with similar weather reports.  Folks talked about hot chocolate and Russian tea.  The first few snows of the season provokes excitement in us--and we actually enjoy the cold weather.  Here, the skiing business thrives on the coldness and the ability to make man-made snow.  Everyone dreams of going to a ski lodge and sitting in front of a rock fireplace with a big roaring fire and sipping on hot chocolate.  And as the season of winter moves forward the excitement dies down but the need for warmth stays.

The ups and downs of our spiritual lives can look very similar to our physical need and search for warmth.  Events happen in our lives that may affect our outlook on ourselves and God.  The relationships with Holy Dad and ourselves may reduce to nothing.  How about this:  are you even speaking to God right now or giving Him the cold shoulder?  And just how badly are you talking to yourself?  Are you calling yourself nasty names?  If you find yourself in this place then obeying the most important and 2nd most important commands is very difficult.  Do you know what those commands are?  Look up Luke 10:27.  NIV says:  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, love your neighbor as yourself."  So your relationship with Holy Dad and yourself is stunted at the moment and you don't feel like obeying this command.  Friend, He doesn't tell you to do this because He is arrogant and disrespectful to you.  He created you to love Him and He created you so that He could love you.  Back in Genesis we were the ones who messed up the perfect situation He had put us in--keep that in mind.  And in the here and now, we are the ones messing up from having a better situation.  I know, I know--it's hard to force yourself to love.  I'm not asking you to force yourself.  In fact God's not asking you to force yourself.  He has given us the Holy Spirit, living inside of us--available for service upon request--to help us with this difficult task.  Use Luke 10:27 as a guide in a prayer request to Holy Dad.  Tell our sweet Lord that you are having difficulty in the love department but you wish to love Him like He wants you to.  And then ask Him to help you love Him with all your heart/passion, soul/prayer life, strentgh/energies, and mind/intellect.  And ask Him to clarify how He wants you to feel about yourself and to achieve that level of care.  Once you have those 2 things flowing in the right direction the flow continues on to others.  And then give Him huge thanks.

With all that love swirling around in us our lives warm up and blossom.  There is a warm light at the end of the tunnel.  Now look to see what your life can become:  2 Peter 1:5-8 (MSG):  "So don't lose a minute in building on what you've been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others.  With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus."  Did you pick out the word "warm" in this scripture?  How about "basic"?  And "passionate"?  And "grass"?  I really love these verses and what it means for my life.  The quality of life is definitely raised by following the formula outlined here.

I used that same portion of scripture in the next 21 day journal note.  See how I used it and perhaps you will use it and benefit from it.

                                                                          21 Day Journal Note # 19
                                                                               Who is Resposible?

My thoughts continuouslly zero in on people--what they are doing to me and what they are not doing for me.  Lord, this is bad behavior that I am responsible to deal with.  Psalm 118:8 (GWT) says:  "It is better to depend on the Lord than to trust mortals."  Father, You are helping me to depend on You and not put my responsibilities off on others!  2 Peter 1:5-8 (MSG) advises:  "So don't lose a minute in building character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, fitting into and developing the others.  With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus."

end of journal note.

Just in case you are new to this site, it is proven that handwriting God's word once a day x 21 days rewires your brain and in turn changes your life.  And it doesn't take much time to perform this very helpful task--you just have to do it.

So friend, will you warm up your soul today for God, for others, for yourself?
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy

Monday, November 14, 2011

A New Week

It's the beginning of another week.  Back to work we go.  New decisions to be made.  Plans to finalize.  Options to consider.  Relationships to salvage.  And it's no wonder that Mondays are dreaded.  Sunday night comes and we start dragging our feet.  So, how do you manage to get through the day on Mondays?  You could say that you put one foot in front of the other and your body follows.  Before you know it 5:00 p.m. is here.  Work has been done.  Decisions have been made.  Plans are finalized or at least made more complete.  Options have been mulled over.  Relationships have survived.  Whew!!  We made it after all.  So why are so Monday's dreaded? 

Because we would like to be doing something else.  If you are fortunate to be one of those folks who absolutely love what you do for a living--and feel like your job isn't work at all, then you are an exception.  It is great if you can dream big and work towards your goal, but there is the road you have to travel before being successful.  Also, our dream jobs may fizzle out because of a declining economy.  You may find yourself in a job- not- well loved.

Now what do we do in a less than loved situation?  First and foremost, maintain your relationship with Holy Dad.  Colossians 2:7 (NLT) says:  "Let your roots grow down into Him and draw nourishment from Him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught.  Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all He has done."  Going back to Monday, your psyche is all worked up with anxiousness and dread.  You mentally stomp your feet and say "I don't want to go to work."  It sounds like a tantrum doesn't it?  Well, it is.  That's because going to work (or wherever it is you are going) isn't your first choice, however, it is an option.  Another option is to not go to work, hense not getting paid, not paying rent, not eating, etc.  I know you're unhappy, but you are blessed if you have a job.  At the very end of Colossians 2:7 it says to let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all He has done.  Don't skip over the word "let."  That means you have a choice.  You can thank the Lord for your job or you can sulk about not liking it.  Look for things about your work situation that you like and thank Holy Dad for that.  And see where that leads you--you'll probably have a fresher perspective on the situation.  Going back to the beginning of the verse notice that Holy Dad is telling you to do something.  That something is to let your roots grow down into Him.  Notice the word "let" again.  Read, read, read and meditate, meditate, meditate His word.  References to the words grow and root mean to go deep.  Starting out with at least 15 minutes a day will get the ball rolling.  So read the word then think deeply about it.  As you read the Bible infuse it with modern words that mean the same as the translation you are reading.  That will help you understand it, apply it and move your mind to a deeper level as you read.  All of this reading and thinking takes your faith to a different level.  Your spiritual self will become stronger.  You are able to vigorously tackle life's ups and downs.  God loves teaching you His truths but He needs for you to listen to Him and take His advise.  By doing all of this I think you'll discover that Sunday nights are more enjoyable.  Give it a try.

You may have similar reactions to relationships as you do toward work.  21 day Journal Note # 18 may help.

                                                               21 Day Journal Note # 18

John 10:10 (AMP)  The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy.  I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
Proverbs 3:5-6 (AMP)  Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.  In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

Things have happened to me in my past that has caused me to be distrustful of anyone--even God.  I know that Satan is out to stifle me any way he can.  But Jesus, You came, died and live again--all for me and any of Your followers.  Because of You I have a beautiful life overflowing with wonderful thngs.  Lord, I choose to trust in You.  I have confidence and peacefulness because of You.  You are making everything plain and clear to me.  Thank You for You abundance to my life.

end of journal note.

So folks, how will you be feeling next Sunday night?
Overflow with thanksgiving. 
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy