Friday, September 30, 2011

More Friends, Yeah!!

Super Friday to everyone!!  Ah, the weekend is here and looking forward to it.  I had a good week (and hope you did, too) but I'm looking forward to spending time with my man.

Keevin and I are living in our camper until we can get adjusted here in Boone, then we will search for a rental property.  Our long term goal is to own a 10-acre farm, grow vegetables, goats, donkies and enjoy lots of entertainment with friends, family and neighbors on the property.  But for now, we are living in a camp ground.  That means all of my plants are outdoors.  I am hoping that the campground lady will allow me to place my plants in her pavilion should cold weather happen upon us before we are able to rent a house or apartment.  So, it crossed my mind that I should watch the weather and keep up with possible frost dates.  And low and behold, yesterday the weatherman says  "possible snow in the higher elevations for Saturday."  Yikes!!!  And guess what?  Last night I dreamed that it snowed on my plants.  Thankfully, it was just a dream but I am coming up with a plan to temporarily protect my plants without having to haul all of them down to the pavilion just now.  I am sure there are plenty of warm, sun-filled days left for them to benefit from.  I promise to keep you informed of the health of my plants.

Moving here to Boone has opened up my eyes to some things.  I have found myself suffering from a generalized feeling of stress.  What's that about?  I think it has to do with people connections.  I had a conversation with God about this and I want to share it with you.  It is amazing how He answered me.  Listen on:

As I began journaling to God, yesterday morning, I recognized Him as the Supreme and the only true Authority.  I thanked Him for being who He is.  I then found myself writing "I realy can trust You!" Knowing the conflict I had within myself regarding people connections I asked Him to help me write a 21 day journal note and I thanked Him for helping me with that request.  I asked Holy Dad "Lord, are there hidden things in my psyche that leads me to avoid connections with others?"  I am starved for deeper solid connections but I don't dare try due to fear of rejection.  That failure of pursuing others also causes me to feel worthless in terms of relationship material.  As I thought more about my situation I realized that I have been blaming others.  The fact is I am probably giving off a coolness vibe that is not welcoming.  I have emitted that coolness vibe as a protection element, however I am really missing out on some wonderful relationships that could enrich my life.  Do you resonate with my feelings at all?  If you do --keep following this path.  You and I are going to be healed of this.

Back to my journaling:  I asked God to help me write a 21 day journal note  that would draw me out and keep me out of the soggy, boggy place of seclusion.  I thanked Him.  At that time I just wanted to praise Him so I worte "Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again, Rejoice!"  I wanted to continue but need inspiration, so I turned to the book of Psalm and scanned the first verses for a chapter that I could praise Him with.  Verse 1 of chapter 27 looked good.  I wrote it down and kept on writing.  I am so excited about what I found that I want you to read it with me.  Here it is:  1.  The Lord is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? (those who reject me?)  The Lord is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid?  (O Lord, take my fear of rejection from others away from me)  7.  Hear my voice when I call O Lord; be merciful to me and answer me.  10.  Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.  (Father, even if the most important people to me in the world reject me--YOU WON'T!!)  13.  I am still confident of this:  I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.  (Father, sounds like you have a lot of good things to enrich me with while living among the people you have surrounded me with)  Well, chapter 27 was good, so I kept reading.  Psalm 28:6 says "Praise be to the Lord, for He has heard my cry for mercy.  (Lord, thank you for hearing my requests this morning)  7.  The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.  (WOW! I told Him "I can really trust You" and now He is talking back to me and showing me His helping hand)  My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.  (Yes, I am very happy!) 

And Psalm 30 is super good:  2.  O Lord my God, I called to You for help and You healed me.  (did you hear the word heal just as I did?)  (He is going to heal us of our distorted thinking)  3.  O Lord, You brought me up from the grave; You spared me from going down into the pit.  (Father, You really did hear me talk about the soggy, boggy place of seclusion, didn't You?)  9.  What gain is there in my destruction, in my going down into the pit?  Will the dust praise You?  Will it proclaim Your faithfulness?  (I knew that soggy, boggy place of seclusion was doing You and me no good--but I didn't realize You would tell me about it so clearly this morning)

I don't know if you've ever experienced an instant conversation with God --but what I can tell you of my experience is that it is absolutely amazing and touching.  You should give it a try!!  I started out with praise verses and He chimed in with hope and encouragement and answers.  I love it!

Now that brings me to the 21 day journal note that God gave to heal you and me.

                                                               21 Day Journal Note # 12
                                                                Deep, solid connections

Due to past experiences of relational injury and rejection, I find myself sinking into a soggy, boggy seclusion.  It feels safe there--but lonely.  God, You designed me to be a relational being but the perceived safety of seclusion seems to draw me away from others.  Psalm 27:10, 13 (NIV) says:  "Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.  I am still confident of this:  I will see the goodness of the Lord in the lalnd of the living."  Psalm 30:2,9 wonderfully says:  "O Lord my God, I called to You for help and You healed me.  What gain is there in my destruction, in my going down into the pit?  Will dust praise You?  Will it proclaim Your faithfulness?"  Holy Dad, You are enabling me to move up and out of this soggy, boggy place of seclusion.  I feel secure living in the land with people.  I am warm and friendly and welcoming.  I am enjoying the times that I spend engaging the company of others.  I am looking for enrichments from those I am with.  I am breathing.  I am relaxing.  I am letting my guard down and trusting You.  The real me is finally blossoming!!  Father, You are awesome!!

end of journal note.

I started day 1 of this note this morning and it felt good knowing that I am exercising self-discipline to overcome my fear.  Give it a try--it's really not that hard.

Confidence elements this 21 day journal note improves:  love, joy, peace, kindness.
Confidence busters this one eliminates:  fearful, gossip, self-centered, timid, uncertain, wallowing, unhealed wounds, anxiety, procrastination, depression, disloyalty, jealousy, dissatisfaction, uncaring, rejected, cowardly, and unloved.

What did you think about the Life Directive (Bible study) I want to write to find self-identity?  The comments I received from my request in the last blog have been very helpful.  Thank you so much.  I still want to hear from more of you--the more comments I receive the more valuable the life directive will be.
Here's another question for you:  what kind of situation makes your heart race?  I'd love to hear from you.  Don't forget to sign up for the Life Directive at my email address:

All of you wonderful folks have a great weekend!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy 

Monday, September 26, 2011

More Faith Stretching

Happy Monday to all!  Dear friends, I hope you had a great weekend and are refreshed to live out another wonderful week that our Awesome God has given us.  We had a beautiful day of sunshine and warmer temperatures here in Boone, NC yesterday.  But Saturday night and on into Sunday morning was stormy, thunder and lightening.  So when the sun came out in time for church, I was happy!!  Keevin's aunt and uncle, Ida and Paul, drove over the mountain from Elizabethton, TN to worship with us.  It was so nice to spend the day with them.  I have realized here in our new town, without the net of friends and family back home, that connections are important.  Both those in presence, voice or computer are all appreciated and very fulfilling.

Keevin's job story unfolded right before our eyes during my last blog.  However, the story didn't end there.  Keevin showed up two days in a row for his new job with the asphalt company, however the workers were sent right back home.  Why? you ask.  Because it has to be above 60 degrees and not raining.  So the first day was very chilly and the second was raining.  Keevin and I felt very let down and discouraged but we went back to God and asked Him for a job.  Ida happened to call and check on us and I sadly told her the situation.  She lovingly talked to me and encouraged me.  But at the end of the conversation she said she would pray for us when she got off the phone.  Not long after that Keevin had the idea about calling his last boss from STS trucking company in Smyrna, TN and ask him about over-the-road jobs out of the Greenville, TN terminal, which is about 1 1/2 hours away from here.  Tim was happy to help him out and promised to have him home on the weekends (when we meet for church).  We were ecstatic!!  Keevin admitted to me that he hadn't thought of calling STS untill that day.  You know what I think?  I think it was God stretching our faith.  And I think God answered Ida's prayers.  God could have led Keevin to consider his previous employer at the beginning but what would we have learned about our faith and have you experience it with us?  Why do you think God doesn't reveal the big plan to us from the beginning?  I also believe that God deals with us the same way He designed us to think and grow.  Take my writing, for example.  I didn't start out sounding like this.  My style has evolved.  If you have ever decorated a room, you will remember that one thing led to another, none of it on paper when you first started out the project.  Doing life God's way is certainly not boring.  It is truly a winding path. 

Where are you on the faith path that God had designed for you?  Look down and see where your feet are planted and go from there.  God is with you and steering you in the right direction--it just may take on some twists and turns, but that's ok.  It means that your life is a colorful one.  

So what is today's journal note about?  This note gave me the freedom to speak up for myself.  The freedom I felt from this one also added the benefit of speaking up for myself in a loving way and not an angry or guilt-ridden way.  It also removed a barrier of the dread of doing it, the fear of it, and possible rejection.

                                                        21 Day Journal Note # 11
                                      Don't Keep Hurt Feelings Bottled Up Inside!

Matthew 18:15-16 (MSG)  If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him--work it out between the two of you.  If he listens, you've made a friend.  If he won't listen, take one or two others along so that the presence of witnesses will keep things honest, and try again.

When one of my friends hurts me I will go to her and tell her how I feel.  If she understands my feelings then our friendship is stronger.  If she doesn't understand then I have the option to take another friend or two along so that the presence of others will help us all to remain objective and hopefully salvage the relationship.  If the situation remains unresolved then it maybe time to step away from the friendship.

end of journal note.

Confidence elements that are founded by this journal note are:  peace, gentleness, and self-control.
Confidence busters that are deleted from my life:  fear of rejection, powerlessness, timidity, unhealed wound, unnecessary guilt, anxiety, anger, bitterness/resentement, dissatisfaction, frustration, being cowardly, unsettled and weak.

Friend, take 21 days to jot this one down once a day and discover the freedom I now have.  I warn you that when you discover your freedom it will not be a dramatic feeling.  You'll quietly notice that you are able to speak up unlike times past.  That's when you'll find yourself doing the happy dance (or wanting to).

Now on to other matters:  I have been mullilng over a new project idea and wondered if you could help.  I want to write a Life Directive (Bible Study) on self-identity (who am I?)  A tentative title is "Comfortable in My Own Skin".  What I want from you is to know what keeps you from feeling comfortable in your skin?  What stifles your life?  I want ideas from you to give me directions and topics of what to read about and research God's good word for.  I have lots of  ideas from my personal life but you may give this life directive move substance and value.  We are all in this life together and lots of us have similar situations and feelings, so please feel free to share with me and it will be in confidence.  Either comment on this blog or send me a note at  Also, sign up for this life directive the same way-by responding to my email account or this blog and I will add you to the receiving list.  Thank you in advance for your input.

Friend, I wish you a great day and week.  You are what you think!!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy