A very cheery howdy to all!! This is another gorgeous day that Holy Dad has given us. Thank You Holy Dad!!
I am looking out my windows this very second and am inspired by the golden oranges, yellows and reds on the mountain sides. It is beautiful. I am so honored to be here and soak in the wonderfulness of God's landscape. It is His landscape. It is His sky. It is His season. It is His sunshine or rain (whichever is happening in your area). Everything belongs to Him. He just allows us to manage whatever He has placed in our care--so take really good care of it.
A couple of days ago Rocky (my dog) and I took a walk down the road. I was getting bored with the same old walk in the campground so down the highway we went. These are country roads so there wasn't too much traffic. I was enjoying the newer view of the mountains when I was pleasantly surprised at what was around the curve. There was a driveway leading into the cutest little farm. The way it was decorated was so inviting. Orange pumpkins dotted the driveway and sidewalk to the home. At first I thought the house was a barn (and it may have been in another life) but it was a rustic-looking house. A row of pine trees lined the side of the road. The limbs had been cropped off on up high and attached to every trunk were birdhouses--soooo cute! And then walking past the next barn/apt on top- building was a pond. A pond with ducks. And this pond has a little pier with two adirondack chairs for sitting and relaxing. On the other side of the pond is a fountain type thing so that one can sit and enjoy the flowing water sound. Rocky and I just stood around and feasted our eyes and imaginations for quite a while. He enjoyed the ducks and I mentally enjoyed sitting in one of those chairs. You know, it may not be my farm but God allowed me to be refreshed by this pleasant surprise. I went back to the camper energized and Rocky had plenty of exercise and excitement. God is good!
I think that this may be the peak weekend to view the color changes of the leaves. If it isn't then next weekend for sure. I can sense God's awesomeness just by looking at His ever-changing creation. And friend, you are part of His ever-changing creation. Think about it. Your life has seasons. Babyhood, childhood, teenagehood and adulthood. Even adulthood has different seasons. Young adult, middleage and senior years. The adult years also pose other possiblities of change such as singleness, married life, parental responsibilities, caring for aging parents and retirement life. And there are other events: staying at home, school, carreer, vacations and back to stay at home with retirement age. Did you ever think about life being so un-boring? Some of us feel like we have a boring, stagnant life but actuallly we don't. It only feels that way because of faulty thinking. Others of us feel like we have a chaotic life--and maybe we do. Who can control that? Ah, yes, that would be me. But I like having my life controled and directed by God, the author of ever-changing seasons. He has the best transitions. Life is more enjoyable His way.
There is another part of life that is ever-changing. Can you guess what it is? It is our spiritual life. Our spiritual life grows, matures and enriches us. But consider this, we can get stuck in a phase of spiritual life. Take a look at 1 Corinthians 3: 1-3 (NLT): "Dear brothers and sisters, when I was with you I couldn't talk to you as I would to mature Christians. I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in the Christian life. I had to feed you with milk and not with solid food, because you couldn't handle anything stronger. And you still aren't ready, for you are still controlled by your own sinful desires. you are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn't that prove you are controlled by your own desires? You are acting like people who don't belong to the Lord." The question to ask yourself is: do I still look like the world, laughing at dirty jokes, making fun of people, bullying, taking a pack of paper home from work, thinking sexually about a member of the opposite sex, etc. These actions not only hold you in infancy but are visible by outsiders (non-followers of Christ). Holy Dad is dissappointed and saddend by your lack of love for Him. When we obey the most important command to love God with our total being these kinds of actions are not even considered. So, if you are stuck in infancy, what are you missing out on? A life of love and peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and the all important self-control. You may recognize these confidence elements from Galatians 5: 22-23.
Now on to our 21 day journal note. This one helped me to get un-stuck. At a not-to-distant time ago (before God's word healed me) I would find myself in a confrontation fully knowing that I was in the right but being unable to express myself clearly and confidently. My mind would freeze up in these tense situations. But now I find that I am less stressed and have a clarity of thinking when I need to stand up for the right thing. If you are brave enough to admit to a similar predicament then I challenge you to write this 21 day note once a day for 21 days to free yourself. Take it from me--it feels wonderful. I am no longer afraid of these situations.
21 Day Journal Note # 13
Fear of Rejection?
2 Timothy 1:7 (combined versions) God did not give me a spirit of fear/timidity, but He gave me a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline/sound mind.
My fear of future relational pain is from Satan. I refuse to feel this unnecessary fear. I have God's power and love infused in me. I have God's sound mind to think rationally and calmly when in the middle of being relationally challenged. I have self-discipline to use all of God' wonderful gifts and promises. Future relational pain will sting but I will not be devastated.
end of note.
Precious friend, enjoy the changing of your seasons, and please by all means change!
Sisterly love to all, Wynndy
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