Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Gift of Identity

The definition of identity is:  The state or fact of being  a specific person or thing; individuality.  The definition of identity crisis is:  The state of being uncertain about oneself regarding character, goals, etc.  Do you know who you are, where you came from, etc or do you have questions?  I believe a large number of ladies can identify with difficulty with their own identification.  Identify means to fix the identity of.  So let's do just that!

I have always been interested in genealogy.  My great-aunt Dean Parker compiled the Parker family tree lots of years ago--before  She was unable to go beyond our 4 great-grandfather and so we were unable to determine where our family originated from.  One day I would like to be able to join and find but for now--I don't know. 

I faithfully watch Who Do You Think You Are and Finding Your Roots (on PBS).  These folks are usually surprised to find out commonalities they share with far-away relatives.  But I say that God created us with genes that are past down through DNA and we shouldn't be surprised at the similarites.  A few years ago Keevin and I visited with my sister, Lorie and her family in Raliegh (Wendell), NC.  We hadn't been to their home in a long time.  I was surprised to see similar items in their home that we had.  Lorie said, "did you buy it at Walmart?"  And I answered yes, but still we bought the same things in a particular pattern.  We share commonalities that we didn't know we had.  A few years ago God opened my eyes to my writing gift.  But when I think about what it takes for my Dad and my brother, Drew, to preach it only makes sense that they too have a gift with words.  We all share common things but do them differently. 

So you see looking at your family can shed some important things about who you are--the gifts you may have.  And looking at your family can reveal some unnecessary behaviors that you have picked up that have nothing to do with who God made you to be.  In fact these behaviors hinder you from being all you can be.  A fun way to look at what is good and what is bad is to make a list of your family members.  Write down the good things about each one.  Ask yourself if you connect with the good thing.  And list the bad behaviors.  Do you suffer from the same ones?  I hope to encourage you to look up the trouble areas in the Bible and convince yourself that Holy Dad wants more for you than what you are getting out of the troubled area.

My monthy Bible read (I read the same 4 chapters once a day for a month) is Matthew chapters 1-4.  Matthew starts off his book with Jesus' genealogy.  Matthew and Luke are the only two authors who give account of Jesus'  human family line.  Of course Holy Dad is His Father and also ours.  Matthew's book is addressed to a Jewish audience.  Luke is talking to gentiles (all other non-Jewish people).  Matthew traces the lineage of Jesus through Joseph (His step-father).  Luke recounts through Mary's family. 

Looking through both sets of genealogies one can see some of the same people.  Jewish marraiges were arranged from the same family lines.  This would explain why Joseph's lineage is applicable even though he was not Jesus' biological father.

I pulled out my MacArthur Bible Handbook to research the information for today's blog.  I stumbled on a chronological list of the New Testament Books.  The book of Matthew was listed as number 3.  I would have thought that God would have placed big importance on Jesus' life and teachings-- and I guess He did by making sure that it was the first book in the New Testament.  However, the first book that He inspired is very very interesting.  Have any of you ladies taken Beth Moore's Bible study "James" yet?  I haven't but I am going to buy it soon.  James was the first book of the New Testament God inspired.  And guess who James is.  James was the oldest half-brother of Jesus.  Yes, a family member of Jesus.  You can probably relate to the hate/love relationship with a sibling that Jesus had with His.  James had at first rejected Jesus as our Messiah but later believed.  James experience a relationship with a post resurrected Jesus.  And what important things did God want to inspire first?  James' book is about wise living, godly behavior.  His passion was to teach his readors to uncompromisingly obey God's word.  James teaches us about the gifts God gives us, the gifts that give us identity.

James 1:17, 18 (NCV):  "Every good action and every perfect gift is from God.  These good gifts come down from the Creator of the sun, moon, and stars, Who does not change like their shifting shadows.  God decided to give us life through the word of truth so we might be the most important of all the things He made."  Friend did you hear it?  Read back through it very slowly taking note of each word and the meaning of it.  This is rich stuff.  Important stuff.  Your confidence level may be low right now but God says YOU are the most important of all things He has made!  It is the truth.  It's ok that you don't feel it right now but give His word a try and soak it in and within 21 days you will feel it.

It's funny how I was inspired to write about genealogy this morning as I was reading about Jesus' lineage.  After watching a little news I turned to watch Joni Lamb on the Daystar channel.  She was interviewing a christain psychologist by the name of Dr. Jerry Mungadze, who uses science and God's word for therapy.  He is an expert on the brain and she quizzed him about this wonderful organ that we all have.  He says that the functions of the brain are:  to process our experiences, houses our memories and moderates hundreds of thousands of nerve signals throughout the body.  He claims that identity is at the heart of insecurtiy--who you are.  Growing up our parents give us our self-image.  He also said that there is a section in the brain that houses our identity. 

Then he revealed something wonderful.  Our biological parents birthed us but God created us.  He said the key thing is the human being is designed by God.  We are trying to fix ourselves by ourselves.  Instead we should be reaching out to the one who created us to fix us.  And guess what else he said?  God made you.  You are an original.  Do you believe it?  This is one he got from God's word and science.

Let's go to Galatians.  No, I not quoting the confidence elements in 5:22-23 but I do love these 2 verses.  Galatians 6:4 (MSG):  "Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that.  Don't be impressed with yourself.  Don't compare yourself with others.  Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life."  Remember the list of the good and bad things I suggested you write down about you and your family?  That's what God suggested for you to do.

Now back up to Galatians 5:25-26 (MSG):  "Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives.  That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse.  We have far more interesting things to do with our lives.  Each of us is an original."  There it is my friend.  You are an original.  There is no need to compare because we are all different and all have some wonderful qualities that Holy Dad gave just to us.  That's how He makes each of us special in our own way--not a copy cat.  And guess what?!?!  Galatians is the second book that Holy Dad inspried--yes the one with the confidence elements.  See how much He loves us!?!?

I have a 21 day journal note to fit the ocassion of identiy.  Here it is:

(Based on Galatians 5:25-26 and 6: 4)  Lord, I am a part of You.  You lovingly created me, birthed me.  Thank You for my life!  Because of this fact I am going to start living my life in Your deliberate way.  I am exploring who I really am and rejecting the junk I have learned from our culture.  Thank You for the beautiful body you have given me.  Thank You for the experiences that have made me uniquely me.  Thank you for giving me the real way to live outlined in Your Word.  Thank You for hope and I am embracing it and will live it out.  You have made me an original!  Thank You Sweet Lord!

end of journal note.  Handwrite this once a day to rewire your thinking.  Just think, 21 days to a new itdentity!

Friend, you have a decision to make.  Do you continue down a path that someone steered you down just because you were related to them.  Will you take the path that God promises will lead to a good life, one He will help you with?  Come on, make your choice.

Jesus' healing and peace to all, Wynndy

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