Monday, June 6, 2011

It's all about LOVE!!

Good lovely Monday morning to you all!!  I am a little delayed in my blogging by a couple of days but sometimes life pops up and you have to deal with it.  But I want to share that with all of the changes going on in my family's life--life is pretty good.  My son is excited about a new dream career in firefighting.  My daughter found the cutest little house for her and the children to live in.  It feels like the Lord is making things happen to help me and Keevin move along to Boone.  The move will happen around the last of August or first of September.  Keep us in your prayers.

Today we are going to talk about love  The ultimate love.  I know for a fact that lots of us do not know how to love.  God's greatest commandment is Mark 12:30-31 (NLT):  "And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.  The second is equally important:  Love your neighbor as yourself."  What is the difference between soul-mind-strength?  Well, The Message states this scripture as:  "Jesus said, 'The first in importance is... love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy.  And here is the second:  Love others as well as you love yourself.'"  Sounds like a good and right thing to do if a person loves himself.

Lots of us have missed out on feeling loved.  Some of us have been loved but didn't perceive it that way--so those of us in that category still don't know what love feels like.  Some of us have been abandoned emotionally or physically, misused and abused, ignored, belittled, felt unimportant, underestimted, misguided, and maybe even dispised.  You know if one or more of these adjectives fit you.  Most of the ones listed have the same if not similar outcomes.  The main one is not feeling loved. 

The unloved person just simply doesn't know how it feels to be loved, or to feel loved.  This person doesn't feel worthy to be loved--because "if the most important person in the world didn't show love to me then how in the world can I be lovable.  Something must be wrong with me."  Have you made those statements to yourself? You have rehearsed it and perhaps audibly heard it from your authority source over and over that you are unlovable.  Your brain believes it to be truth.  It is written in stone.  Or is it?  "Are you saying that maybe it is not written in stone and maybe my authority source and my brain is wrong?"  Yes, my loved one, that is what I am saying!!  Satan has used lies and lots of them to steer you away from God's love.

Let me show you something:  1 John 4:18-19 (NKJV) says:  "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear inovlves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.  We love Him because He first loved us."  What I want you to come away with is the fact of fear-----involves torment.  The person who feels unloved can surely say he/she feels tormented.

Now look at the Amplified Bible's version of the same scripture:  "There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror!  For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love [is not yet grown into love's complete perfection].  We love Him, because He first loved us."

And then The Message says it this way:  "There is no room in love for fear.  Well-formed love banishes fear.  Since fear is crippling, a fearful life--fear of death, fear of judgment--is one not yet fully formed in love.  We, though, are going to love--love and be loved.  First we were loved, now we love.  He loved us first."    My loved one--do you hear the wonderful hope of love?!?!

Ok, so you hear the hope but how do you get the love?  First of all you are already loved!  God loved you before you were conceived.  Beth Moore tells it beautifully in her updated "Breaking Free" Bible study that you can tell God "I love you, too" because you just simply cannot love Him first.  I will be suggesting a 21 day journal note to help you get God's love into your mind and to change the truth that your brain recognizes.  But I would like for you to earnestly ask our Good God to heal you of this unlove-injury and to help you to feel love for Him the way He wants you to and to feel love for yourself.  He wants you to feel it and He already feels it for you.  You are that important to Him.  He does not underestimate you.  He sees and hears you.  He doesn't ingore you--but your unloved nature keeps you from developing a real relationship with Him.  He will never abandon you, misuse or abuse you.  He wants the best for you.  He wants YOU!  I also want to highly suggest that you memorize and quote daily one of the 1 John 4:18-19 scriptues.  You choose the one you like best--the one that speaks to you.

Here goes the 21 day journal note:
Dear Holy Dad, just calling you Dad is hard for me to do as I do not know how a father's love feels--but You have told me that You love me.  My Lord, I feel dead to love--but Your word assures me that I can be healed of the injury and that Your word will be what heals me.  Please help me as I am of no help to myself.  Thank You for what You are going to do.
1 John 4:18-19 (MSG)  tells me:  "There is no room in my love for fear.  My well-formed love banishes fear.  Since fear is crippling, a fearful life--fear of death, fear of judgment--is one not yet fully formed in love.  I am gong to love--love and be loved.  First I was loved, now I love.  You loved me first."
And my precious Holy Father, help me to love You.  Grow passion for You inside of me.  I am commiting myself to prayer with You.  I will learn and read Your word to increase my God intelligence.  And my energies will be directed to serve you with my talents and gifts.  You are so awesome and gracious to love me with so much love.  Thank you for Your attention to me.

End of journal note.

My friend, as you sit there reading this blog I want you to unclench your fist, uncross your arms and lay your hands to your sides.  This looks and feels more confidently.  A few years ago I learned a very wonderful thing while taking voice lessons.  My teacher convinced me to pull my shoulders back and drop them down in a relaxed fashion and to practice this all throughout the week.  Imagine my surprise at the confidence I felt just by replacing my posture in a correct position.  And my singing improved.  Work on how you present your body to the public.  Show others that you are loved.  They will want the same love you have!!

Sincere sisterly love to all, Wynndy

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