Friday, January 6, 2012


Just got back into the camper from taking Rocky (my dog) out for a walk.  It's a beautiful sunny and 45 degree morning.  It is unlike other mornings this week.  Monday morning from 1:00 AM through 4:30 AM I laid awake listening to swirling, violent winds.  I was tired the rest of the day.  Tuesday morning greeted me with a temperature of 15 degrees and snow.  Wednesday morning was more frigid at 5 degrees.  But Thursday mellowed out and warmed up and today is proving to be quite lovely.  A couple of the days Rocky and I took walks out in the snow but we didn't stay out long because it was really cold.  It felt good to get back inside where it was warm.

And friends, I am really excited for this weekend to come.  The Great Lord has provided us with funds to find a rental property.  We have been casually looking at houses and apartments but now we can seriously look and consider.  I say we but that we includes God.  You see, God assigned us to Boone, NC to start a new church and Keevin and I are very committed to obeying in this area.  We have always been a couple who look for adventure and excitement and God knew we would be a good match for the assignment.  It has been a bit of an adventure and hope you are enjoying the journey with us.  Obeying God has been a eye opener.  God has shown His presence more as we are more obedient.  He is more real to us.  I tell you that because I know when we are in circumstances and don't search out God He backs off and stays in the background--hense, He feels unreal and unseen.  But give Him a shout and a try and you'll be amazed at the outcome.

Now on to the house search.  I am soooo excited.  I love houses.  I love going into peoples homes and see how they live.  I love to see their decor.  I love furniture.  I love artwork.  I love lamps.  You name any detail--the home is important to me.  But I have to consider God's needs and wants on this house search--which is ok with me because I know we have the same desires.  I want a property that is entertainment friendly.  He wants us to use the space for gathering of church family for meals.  I want space for my own family to be able to come and visit.  He promotes healthy relationships in His word.  Keevin wants space in the yard to park the camper.  God wants us to have good parking space for folks to come to our house.  And as for the things I love early in this paragraph--these things are all found in the Bible.  He gives specific directions for the decor of His temple in the OT.  All of the outdoors--trees, flowers, sky & clouds, etc is one big, huge piece of art.  And God definitely loves light--He is the light and the lamp for my feet.  But what about the house itself.  He says pleny about houses and homes.

If you go to the concordance in the back of your Bible you will see lots of referrences about houses and homes.  It's quite warming to see how good values a good home.  Now I want you to ask yourself a question.  "Does my home reflect God and His character?"  I haven't talked about the confidence elements in a while but they fit here.  They fit nicely in your home.  Galatians 5: 22-23(NIV):  "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."  Wouldn't a home filled with these things be a haven to come home to after a long day at work?  And a haven to invite neighbors to?  A haven for troubled friends to come and receive comfort and support?  I really like The Message's version of these 2 verses:  "But what happens when we live God's way?  He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard--things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity.  We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people.  We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely."  I want to point you to the part "basic holiness permeates things and people."  Can you see how God permeates our homes?  Our own spirits filled with His Spirit splashes over into the actual structure and how we use it.

Let's take a look at a few "house" verses.  Joshua 24:15 (ESV):  "...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."  Question for you--what does a house look like when it serves the Lord?  Did you answer that it's the people and not the house?  But do you and your people actually do serving kind of things in your home?  If your walls could talk would they tell us that they hear prayers?  Praises?  Laughter?  Arguments?  Doorslamming?  Yelling?  Crying?  Does your decor and housekeeping reflect a healthy family?  Do you take care of what God has given you?  Do you feel good about who you are and what God is doing in your life?  These things reflect back into your home.  What would a neighbor's eyes see?  What does your neighbor hear in the summer months when you have the windows opened?

Have you ever considered that you are a stone?  1 Peter 2:5 (MSG):  "And be yourselves also like living stones that are being built up into a spiritual house, to become a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."  Notice the word "built".  Our lives are ongoing building processes.  So start where you are today and focus on building your spiritual house so that it overflows to your home--because it will show up there.

1 Timothy 3:15 (NCV):  "Then, even if I am delayed, you will know how to live in the family of God.  That family is the church of the living God, the support and foundation of the truth."  Friend, search the scriptures for the truth.  Whatever areas in your life that needs correction, fixing, remodling--find it in the Bible, memorize it.  Study up on those areas and crowd out the lies of Satan.

God doesn't call all of us to use our homes for actual churches, however, Keevin and I are going to use our home like Phoebe in Romans 16:5 (NIV):  "Greet also the church that meets at their house."  Keevin and I are excited about having folks in our home, singing, praying, eating, praising and worshipping our Holy Good God.  We are thinking up ways to meet people here in our new town so that we can invite them to our new home and church.  Please be praying along with us that we come upon folks who are searching for somethng new, something meaningful and something lasting and satisfying.  We know what would fill these voids--our Jesus Christ!!

Our next 21 Day Journal Note deals with clashes with our authorities.  See if you have similar reactions because of past relational wounds.

                                                             21 Day Journal Note # 26
                                                               Clashes with my Authority

Dear Holy Dad, I want to be healed of unworthiness!  Rehearsing in my mind the tape of a defensive event between me and my authority I conclude that my way was correct.  My authority's actions remind me of events with ___________.  I realize that my authority has his/her own significance and security issues.  Father, I want to break the cycle of messy feelings.  Please heal my old relational wounds and those of my authority.
Thank You Lord for Your truth and promises found in Deuteronomy 26:18-19 (MSG) " And today God has reaffirmed that I am a dearly held treasure just as He promised, a woman entrusted with keeping His commandments, a person set high above others that He's made, high in praise, fame, and honor:  I am a woman holy to God, My God.  That's what He has promised."

end of journal note.  I changed the word people for woman to make it more personal to me.  I find this helps to seal in His goodness without taking away His meaning for the verse.  Handwrite this one once a day x 21 days to rewire your unhealthy, wounded thinking system.  You'll feel tremendous relief and will be able to have a healthier working relationship with your boss, pastor, teacher, etc.

The ending of this blog is more like a beginning:  WELCOME HOME!!
Jesus' healing and peace to all of you, Wynndy

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