Friday, July 22, 2011

Best Friends Forever!!!

Hello to all my readers!  We finally had a nice summer rain yesterday.  It cooled things off for a while and my tomato plants drank up the water that God provided.  I now have 9 tomatos and hope they ripen before Keevin and I move to Boone.  I have been watering them faithfully and watching the plants and fruit grow.  I just hope to get the chance to taste my efforts.  My efforts.  Is it right for me to claim the efforts here?  The fact is God created the tomato plant and fruit and caused the rain and supplied the sun.  What did I do?  I bought the plants at walmart and dug holes (Keevin did this).  I watered them as needed and watched them grow.  My, how we take all the credit but really it is God who deserves the applause for His creation.  Father, I truly am so very thankful to you for the food you provide for us.  I also appologize for taking the majority of the credit and not shinning a spotlight on You.

Self-centeredness comes easily to us.  It is a hard thing to see but it happens--all the time.  Just when we think we are doing good God sends a message to us that goes something like this:  "Hey!!  I'm still here and I can hear you.  You've got it all wrong.  Now, please listen to Me and I will help you on this life-path.  I truly love you and want the best for you.  So my child, look for Me, embrace Me.  Now, my love, be at ease."

That brings me to some scripture I have been wondering about.  This month's reading is Romans 6-10.  Chapter 9 has had me puzzled so I looked it up on and viewed it in The Message traslation.  I thank the Lord for modern translations because it greatly helps me to understand His word and what He is saying to me.

Look at Romans 9:33 (MSG):  "Isaiah (again!) gives us the metaphor for pulling this together.  Careful!  I've put a huge stone on the road to Mount Zion, a stone you can't get around.  But the stone is Me!  If you're looking for Me, you'll find Me on the way, not in the way."  Paul is saying that God's message to those of us who do God-projects, yet take all the credit, and don't even converse with God about the project, are on the wrong path and He wants to make us trip on a rock.  Paul calls it a huge stone.  Have you ever had your way blocked by something big?  Well, it is God.  Whatever you are facing right now consider that it is God trying to get your attention.

Now look at Romans 9:30 (MSG):  "All those people who didn't seem interested in what God was doing actually embraced what God was doing as He straightened out their lives."  Listen to God, my friend.  He wants to help you.  Allow Him to straighten out that mess of yours.  Listen to His Word.  Read His Word.  Look for Him around you.  He's everywhere.  As you learn more about Him you'll recognize Him.  He does love you!!

                                                                    Journal note # 3  Best Friend Forever!

John 14:26 (MSG)  The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at My request, will make everything plain to you.  He will remind you of all the things I have told you.  I'm leaving you well and whole.  That's my parting gift to you.

My dear Friend, the Holy Spirit--You live inside of me.  You make evrything plain and clear to me.  You are making me well and whole.  You are a beautiful gift from Jesus.  Thank you for enriching my life.

End of Journal note.  Just remember to handwrite it once a day for 21 days to rewire your distorted thinking system.

The Holy Spirit, or Holy Wonder as I like to call Him, is a huge source of wholeness and wellness.  How can that be?  Well, He is making everything plain to us.  It is right under our noses--in the Bible.  Remember Romans 9:33?  God said "if you're looking for Me."  Are you looking for Him?  If means it is your choice.  He also said "you'll find Me on the way, not in the way."  Is He in the way?  I feel like we treat Him that way, alot.  In the way.  Consider getting on His way and allow Him to make everything plain.  It truly is refreshing when we have an "aha" moment.  We marvel at how the "aha" is the key.  My friend, He is the key.  He is the real "aha".  There are so many "aha's" in the Bible.  Take the time during the part of the day when you are most alert and attentive.  Find a quiet place so that it is just you and God.  Open the Bible, let it fall open, and start reading.  You'll find that your Bible reading will become more structured over time.  Your passion for Jesus will grow.  You will feel His love jump all over you.  Ease will be a natural feeling for you.  Walk His path and feel a new normal, the new, confident you!!

Sisterly love to all, Wynndy

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