Yes, I am a new blogger and it was quite a job to start it up as I am very technically challenged. However, my new found love of writing and God's strength gave me the perseverance that I needed to procede with each step. I have wanted to do this very thing for a while but the fear of all things technical caused me to procrastinate. Did you hear me just blame my fear for not doing somethng I love to do?
Do you allow your fears to stagnate your life?
That's what this site is all about. To encourage you to live a better life. The best life! It is possible, I know because I have overcome some obstacles that allowed my thinking process to be open and creative. Wow!! I truly have blossomed and I want all of you to do the same thing.
I am sitting at my desk looking out the window. I am saddened that the sun has not shown today. I know my God has His reasons but I love sunshine and I am anxiously awaiting for the danger of frost to pass so that I can plant my flower seeds. Speaking of the dangers of the frost--today is the last day of March and yet I sit here sipping a cup of hot tea and the temperature is 45 degrees outside. Normally it is warmer this time of year and I would be enjoying the weather immensely, but it is not warm. Patiently I wait.
Want to know the explanation for the title of this blog? About 2 years ago I found myself without a job due to a transportation problem. My husband and I were down to one vehicle and with his crazy schedule I was not able to actively look for a job. So I turned to God and asked Him what He wanted me to do with my time. It was then that I discovered my gift of writing. It was a new discovery at that. This gift was not full grown at the time I started using it for God but as time progressed my writing evolved and has become a great fulfillment for me. I had this craving to help ladies feel better about themselves so I came up with the phrase "All Women are Beautiful! The truth verse that accompanies the phrase is: Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) " For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." I then crafted a card using the phrase and Bible verse and started handing them out to ladies randomly. No one has ever rejected one. I think a few ladies may have felt that they were not beautiful and did not fit what the card claimed. I only give them away. I do no lecture anyone who receives them but I would have loved to have encouraged those who felt they were not beautiful.
Why do I claim that all women are beautiful? The verse implies that we are masterpieces. God designed us in a magnificient way. I am an LPN by trade but I honestly love encourageing and nursing ladies in the spiritual realm as well as the physical being. My nursing background helps me to navigate my words and also the things I teach about and the Bible studies that I research for. So for all the nurses out there, you can agree with me that these bodies of ours are an artwork inside and out. Lots of times our circumstances, life chaos, distorted thinking systems, etc shape our physical appearances in a negative way. We don't shine--but God wants us to shine. Paul urges us in Philippians 2:15 (NLT) "so that no one can speak a word of blame against you. You are to live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Let your lives shine brightly before them." How does one shine? Verse 16 tells us--"Hold tightly to the word of life, so that when Christ returns, I will be proud that I did not lose the race and that my work was not useless." Paul, the author, is telling us to read the Bible, memorize it, use it for the areas of our lives that needs correction. God's good word heals, forgives and promotes growth.
So to end my first blog note, I want to encourage each of you to spend time in prayer and Bible reading (even if only 15 minutes a day for both) each day and grow your relationship with Jesus.
Cleaning up our lives inside and out changes our appearances. I'll be talking to you about how you can change and heal the bad things in your life. Just stay with me and follow me on the journey of a wonderful, beautiful life.
Jesus loves you all. Grow my friend, grow. Wynndy
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